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Misys’ FusionBanking Takes a New Approach to Digital Banking

MisysLogo3.jpgThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2015.

Misys demonstrated how it brings banking into consumers’ everyday lives.

Misys FusionBanking Essence Digital brings a new approach to digital banking, making banking and personal financial management truly frustration-free for consumers.

Misys pioneers the latest innovations in technology and mobile devices. At FinovateEurope, Misys is demonstrating the latest concepts in mobile and online banking: biometric authentication, customizable design, new widgets for ‘net wealth’ and ‘wishes and goals,’ with automatic object recognition and push notifications that bring banking into consumers’ everyday lives.


Presenters: Alex Kwiatkowski, senior marketing strategist, banking and digital channels; József Nyíri, director of innovation, digital channels
Metrics: Misys has more than 2,000 customers in 130 countries, supported by 4,500 employees.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions
HQ: London, United Kingdom
Founded: 1979Website:
Twitter: @MisysFS