Who knew? More than half of the world’s top 10 most innovative companies in finance are Finovate alums.
Don’t just take our word for it. Fast Company published its roster of innovation in the financial space as part of their quest to find those companies that are “creating radical new approaches to move cash from one place to another.”
And among such widely-known and talked-about entities as Square and Bitcoin, we find more than a handful of innovators who have used the Finovate stage to help show their technology to the world.
Take a look at the companies below, accompanied by Fast Company’s take on just what makes each innovator truly unique.

Fast Company: “For connecting banks and other clients to frazzled end users when problems arise.”

Fast Company: “For daring to take on the fee-laden credit card establishment.”

Fast Company: “For slashing pesky foreign-exchange costs by creating a transparent peer-to-peer network.”

Fast Company: “For establishing a single login for web users and taking a giant leap toward eradicating the scourge of the Internet: passwords.”
Fast Company: “For luring international customers with a mobile-payment network that lets them purchase with a simple click.”

Fast Company: “For creating a social network that lets traders emulate those with skin in the game.”
<a href="http://www.finovate.com/fall12vid/etoro.html" finovatefall="" 2012
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