Those attempting to read financial analysis from a PDF on their smartphone will understand the issue. How do institutions create financial content that is compatible for mobile users?
The answer is with MAPPS – Market Analysis Production and Publishing Solution. Operating from the cloud, MAPPS makes it simple to combine dynamic graphics with an audio message, enabling financial analysis and concepts to be delivered in concise, engaging videographic formats.
As client attention spans shorten—research indicates about 90 to 120 seconds is all the time you have to get a video message across—financial content needs to come in dynamic, bite-size formats that clients can easily digest. This is exactly what MAPPS delivers.
Financial Media Solutions Makes Financial Analysis Easier to Digest
This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2015.
Financial Media Solutions (FMS) showed how it brings life to financial statements.
Presenters: Owner and CEO Ian Park; Marketing Director Christopher Thomas
Product launch: January 2011
Metrics: Self financed, less than $100,000; six employees, two clients
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B) through financial institutions and through other fintech companies and platforms; licensed
HQ: Walchwil, Zug, Switzerland
Founded: January 2011
Twitter: @MAPPSvid