Vaamo Debuts its Mobile-Optimised Goal Saving App

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This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2014.

Making their way to the stage now is the team from vaamo, demoing their goal saving app.

“Our web application is designed to provide private individuals with easy to use and intuitive access to savings and investments. A key differentiator is the focus on customer’s personal financial goals instead of financial products, the strict limitation of available financial products to only one investment solution, as well as the mobile optimization.
Customers can set up personal financial goals (e.g., retirement, new home), and define for each goal the amount they want to save by when, how much they want to save today and regularly, and which risk they are willing to take. Inputs are instantaneously illustrated using a chart that projects future contributions, performance, and risk, enabling customers to understand the impact of each input.”
Presenting Oliver Vins (Co-Founder & CPO) and Thomas Bloch (Co-Founder & CFO)
Product Launch: Spring 2014 (soft launch)
Metrics: 14 employees; > €500,000 capital raised to date
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C)
HQ: Frankfurt, Germany
Founded: April 2013
Twitter: @teamvaamo

FinovateEurope 2014 Sneak Peek: Part 7


Before our team at Finovate packs their bags for FinovateEurope in London, we compiled the final seven glimpses of what presenting companies plan to show on stage at Old Billingsgate Market Hall on February 11-12.

If you missed the first six installments of our Sneak Peek series, you can view them here:


Cardwise’s Xpenditure provides innovative expense management, eliminating your expense notes completely.
    • Integrated approval flow on expense level
    • Clear and user-friendly design
    • Intelligent scanning of receipts and statements
Why it’s great:
Finally easy expenses management for independents and bigger companies, also available via added value partners.


Wim Derkinderen, Co-founder & COO


Koen Christiaens, Head of product

ENCAP LogoNew14.jpg

Encap Security’s Smarter Authentication is the world’s only software-based, banking-grade authentication technology that doesn’t compromise between security and user experience.
    • Non-OTP authentication for both web and native apps
    • Device authentication for low-risk transactions, and PIN for high-risk
    • Risk metrics: jailbreak detection; keystroke and behaviour analysis
Why it’s great:
To balance security and the user experience authentication must be proportional to activity. This is only possible by using software, data and a smart device.


Thomas Bostrøm-Jørgensen, CEO
Thomas has over 10 years experience in the mobile financial services, identity management and mobile application security sectors.


Adam Dolby is VP Business Development with 10+ years in authentication and security and 10+ years in financial services.


Innovation Agency’s Innovation Cafe is an Innovation management platform, based on the social-based innovation approach for driving collaborative, measurable innovation within the enterprise.


    • Transparent judging and online rewards process automation
    • Widgets and crowdsourcing from external platforms allow integration with Innovation Cafe and pushes feedback from clients into an internal Innovation Cafe instance
Why it’s great:
Innovation Cafe is primarily targeted at financial services organisations, and has been designed for adoption within these ecosystems.


Rory Moore, CEO
Rory assists companies in reframing their businesses through innovation initiatives and has successfully implemented many innovation initiatives with a strong focus on social based innovation.


Sean O’ Reilly, CTO
Sean has great industry experience in creating software for innovation projects. He is enhancing his skill with a Masters Degree in Artificial Intelligence.LinkedIn


Intuition Intelligence’s end-to-end card linked offers solution delivers super relevant offers to users from a huge volume of offers.


Why it’s great:
By learning user intent in click time, we deliver the right offers at right moment via digital channels without spam and friction in pre & post login.


Arif Ansari
Keynote Speaker for Big Data & Predictive Analytics, Expert in multiple areas of advanced intelligent systems and Multiple Patent holder.


Yusuf Ansari
Entrepreneur with track record of achieving #1 Market Share, Visionary in building iconic products and Hands on execution and Product management.


Kofax is enabling customers to use mobile phones to interact with banks to open a new account, apply for mortgages, and deposit cheques with the snap of a photo.  


    • Meet and service the customer via the mobile channel
    • Reduce operating costs and minimize drop-off rates
    • Build competitive advantage while increasing growth and profitability
Why it’s great: 
Kofax Customer Onboarding improves the agility and profitability of your bank’s customer onboarding processes by engaging customers via mobile devices.


SoftWear Finance’s hacu platform enables a bank to provide customers with the best possible user experience on any platform or device.


    • Easy integration with Facebook and Foursquare lets banks get to know their clients better.
    • hacu’s high performance is rapidly adapted to a bank’s requirements.
    • Speed and convenience
Why it’s great:
Sophisticated technology lets a bank promote its products and services with remarkable ease.  


Pavel Malyshev, Co-Founder and CEO


Igor Dubovoy, Co-Founder and Head of Business Development


vaamo is the new way of investing your money: easy, clever, and absolutely safe.
    • Focus on personal financial goals, not financial products
    • Save and invest money with just 3 clicks, anytime and everywhere
    • Neither investment experience nor financial advice required
Why it’s great:
vaamo fundamentally changes saving and investing by providing intuitive and profitable online investment management that focuses on planning, monitoring, and achieving your personal financial goals.


Oliver Vins, Co-Founder and CPO
After advising banks for more than 8 years at McKinsey, Oliver aims at providing professional and fair investment products to everyone.
Thomas Bloch, Co-Founder and CFO
Following 8+ years in financial institutions investment banking at J.P. Morgan, Thomas is dedicated to provide retail customers with investment solutions similar to those reserved for high net worth individuals.

If you still don’t have your ticket to FinovateEurope, there’s still time. Get your ticket here and don’t miss out on the hottest innovations in European fintech.