Effective AI Implementation in Financial Services: Moving Beyond the Hype

Effective AI Implementation in Financial Services: Moving Beyond the Hype

How can companies take advantage of the opportunity of AI to grow revenues, help develop new products, and better engage customers? Our latest Streamly interview features Chris Brown, President of Intelygenz, who shares strategies for businesses to effectively implement AI.

In this interview, conducted by Finovate Senior Research Analyst Julie Muhn, Brown talks about Intelygenz’s engagement models that quickly deliver measurable ROI. Brown also discusses Intelygenz’s “Day Zero” promise, successful use cases in financial services, and explains what the metrics for success are when it comes to AI projects.

“There are a few things actually that I think organizations can do: I think the first thing is try and get yourself out of the AI buzzword, out of that AI hype, and really try to understand where you can apply AI within your business. Try and cross match your strategy, your challenges to the art of the possible of AI.”

“Don’t get hung up and leave that technical jargon. Leave all those hype words to the machine learning engineers and data scientists. Really focus on ‘What are the challenges I’m facing in my industry?’ ‘What will make a difference to my business?’ And if you do that, I can promise people from our vantage point that over many years you will put yourself in a really good position.”

Headquartered in San Francisco, California and founded in 2002, Intelygenz provides expert AI consultancy and implementation services. Specializing in AI, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and other enabling technologies, Intelygenz guides businesses and organizations through their AI journeys – from conceptualization to implementation.

Streamly Snapshot: Digital Transformation of Community Banks

Streamly Snapshot: Digital Transformation of Community Banks

How is digital transformation impacting community banking? What can community banks do to maximize the opportunities that digitalization can provide? And what role should enabling technologies like AI play in helping community banks develop new products, new services, and new sources of revenue?

These are some of the questions posed to our fintech experts in our latest Streamly Subject Snapshot video on the digital transformation of community banking. Today’s conversation features insights and observations from:

Barb Maclean, SVP, Head of Technology Operations and Implementation at Coastal Community Bank (Linkedin)

“Your customers today are expecting to interact with their money at the time and place and mechanism of their choosing and they’re going to drive it off their phone, for the most part. So if you haven’t yet put in the kind of technology that enables them to do that in the way that they choose to do it, when they choose to do it, you’re definitely already behind the eight ball.”

John Waupsh, Chief Revenue Officer at Manifest Financial (LinkedIn)

“Certainly a lot of time the core is the scapegoat, whether it’s a real issue or not. ‘We as a bank have a challenge with X or building Y or doing some tactical thing because our data is being held by the core’ … The end of the story here is while it’s very challenging to switch core providers, every core, just like every vendor, wants to keep their customers around, wants to keep their clients around. So having progressive discussions with these providers, at an executive level, sharing strategy and moving forward together can usually be very productive.”

Brian Solis, Author of Mindshift: Ignite Change, Inspire Action, and Innovate for a Better Tomorrow (LinkedIn)

“Right now we have an ability to run our company as an intelligent company, an AI-first company, one that’s more intelligent, more integrated, and one that’s more focused on not just using AI to automate what we do, but looking to unlock the future. It’s prioritizing the use of AI in shaping new business models and operational models, products, services, with AI influencing every decision, from the problems the company chooses to solve, to explore new horizons, to the way it interacts with customers and employees.”

Jason Henrichs, CEO at Alloy Labs (LinkedIn)

“Building the relationship is not about being personable, about saying, ‘Oh, we’ve got dog treats in our branch.’ That’s not going to grow your deposits. You need to bundle in additional services that grow your deposits without growing the cost of those. These include things like, say, account protection against scams and frauds. Things like an AI assistant that helps you answer tough questions about retirement and health care choices attached to it.”

Greg Palmer, Vice President at Finovate (LinkedIn)

“Community banks are in desperate need of new technologies, but they lack the resources that some of their larger competitors have, which means there’s a real opportunity for fintechs to come in and help them, give them new access to technologies that they need to stay competitive with their larger counterparts.”

Digital Transformation of Community Banks

Photo by Sam McGhee on Unsplash

Streamly Fintech Insights: Embedded Finance and the Power of Strategic Partnerships

Streamly Fintech Insights: Embedded Finance and the Power of Strategic Partnerships

The Streamly Fintech Insights series provides analysis and discussion on major issues impacting banks, credit unions, fintechs, and financial services providers of all kinds.

Featuring senior leaders in fields ranging from banking to venture capital to media strategy, the Streamly Fintech Insights series offers a look into the innovative technologies that are helping financial institutions turn challenges into opportunities for themselves and their customers.

This week, we’re showcasing four new discussions from Streamly’s Fintech Insights series.

Embedded Finance

Reimagining the Customer Experience

Strategic Partnerships

What’s Hot and What’s Not at FinovateSpring

For more, visit our Streamly video hub.

Photo by Blaz Erzetic

Practical AI Applications in Banking and Finance

Practical AI Applications in Banking and Finance

In today’s Streamly Snapshot, we’re bringing you two conversations that offer a view into real-life AI use cases in the financial services space. While it is seemingly impossible to do business without running into a discussion on AI, separating what is hype from what is practical and useful can be difficult. And because AI development is rapidly and constantly changing, leaders have an even bigger challenge when using AI to get ahead.

Today, we’re featuring two conversations from experts in both AI and fintech who offer their perspectives on how firms can apply AI in practical use cases.

First, Sarah Hinkfuss, Partner at Bain Capital Ventures, talks about how banks are currently leveraging AI to solve actual problems, offers examples on how AI is improving the customer journey, looks at how firms can ensure transparency when implementing AI, addresses misconceptions around AI, and discusses how to navigate the challenges around using AI.

Next up, Vivian Yeung, Executive Vice President, Chief Digital & Technology Officer at Fremont Bank, examined what AI in action looks like. Yeung offered examples on how AI is being used to improve the customer experience across different industries and how financial services are being used to personalize the customer experience. She also takes a look into the future of the customer experience and considers the ethical implications of AI implementation.

For more of these types of insightful videos, check out Streamly.com.

Photo by Wallace Chuck

Streamly Fintech Insights: From the Future of Finance to Innovations in Cybersecurity

Streamly Fintech Insights: From the Future of Finance to Innovations in Cybersecurity

Streamly Fintech Insights offers unique opportunities to hear from some of the most innovative personalities in fintech and financial services.

Streamly’s interviewees range from entrepreneurs and investors who are helping build and fund tomorrow’s fintech solutions today to analysts and regulators whose job it is to ensure that the interests of consumers are heard and the rights of citizens are protected.

This week, we’re sharing six new conversations from Streamly’s Fintech Insights series.

The Future of Finance in the U.K.

Embedded Finance and BaaS

Navigating Legal Fintech Challenges

Securing Fintech: Hacking Smart Devices and the U.K. PSTI Law

Unlocking Hedge Fund Strategies for Retail Investors

Exploring Fintech Innovation and Cybersecurity

Photo by Donald Tong

Streamly Snapshot: Fintech Founders on How to Communicate through Demos

Streamly Snapshot: Fintech Founders on How to Communicate through Demos

Founders are what make the fintech world go around. Without their grit, willingness to take risks, desire to enhance the status quo, and determination to bounce back after failure, fintech wouldn’t be here.

At FinovateSpring earlier this year, we spoke with four fintech leaders– Robbie Heeger, President and CEO and Endaoment; Alexandra McLeod, CEO and Founder at Parlay Protocol; Gwyneth Borden, Founder and CEO and Remynt; and Christian Widhalm, CEO and Bloom Credit– shortly after they stepped off the Finovate demo stage. We asked each of them for advice on pitching a product through a demo approach, refining presentations, and communicating their company’s value proposition.

Lessons from Finovate – Shaping your fintech showcase approach

Evolution through Feedback – Refining Fintech Presentations for Future Success

Unlocking Demo Success – Key Strategies for Communicating Fintech Value Propositions

Mastering Audience Appeal – Crafting Tailored Demos for Investors, Experts & Clients

How to prep for FinovateSpring – Fintech product demo tips

Photo by RDNE Stock project

Streamly Subject Snapshot: The Payments Landscape

Streamly Subject Snapshot: The Payments Landscape

Everyone in our industry sits in a unique place. Because of this, there is immense value in taking the time to listen to others’ perspectives. At our FinovateSpring conference earlier this year, we spoke with Akita Somani, SVP of BNPL and Lending at U.S. Bank, and Bhavana Prathipati, Managing Director, Payments Product Manager at Silicon Valley Bank.

Both experts offered their insights on two key themes in the payments world. Somani discussed how U.S. Bank’s own buy now, pay later point of sale lending solution can help consumers pay for essentials such as home repairs. “It’s all about providing options, and therefore opportunities,” she said. Somani also highlighted regulatory issues in the BNPL arena.

On the opposite side of the traditional bank space, where U.S. Bank sits, Prathipati has a wide view of the fintech payments scene. In her interview, Prathipati discusses how real time payments has changed the lives of consumers by, for example, making real-time insurance claim payouts possible. She also touches on some of the challenges and risks involved in real-time payments.

Buy now, pay later

Real-time payments

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics

Streamly: Community Banks, Credit Unions, and Big Tech Partnerships

Streamly: Community Banks, Credit Unions, and Big Tech Partnerships

Our Streamly series of interviews continues with four more conversations from fintech and financial services professionals who spoke at FinovateSpring earlier this year.

For more from Streamly and FinovateSpring, check out our blog post from last week, AI in Financial Services: Automation, Profitability, and Fraud Prevention.

Unlocking advertising potential: Financial services on Amazon

Chief Revenue Officer at Revive Media Danielle Shamos discusses strategies to reach targeted audiences and how the effective use of data can enable even further audience growth. Shamos also talks about the uniqueness of Amazon as an advertising platform.

How can community banks gain a competitive edge through technology?

Barb MacLean, SVP and Head of Technology Operations and Implementation at Coastal Community Bank, talks about how technology can help community banks secure a competitive edge. MacLean also discusses the importance of internal innovation and the challenges of banking-as-a-service.

Reimagining community banking: How can you adapt your strategy to changing customer needs?

John Waupsh, Chief Revenue Officer of Manifest Financial, explains why it is important for community banks to define their strategic purpose at a time of increasing competition. Waupsh also discusses the importance of adapting business strategies to ever-evolving customer needs.

Credit union solutions: What’s different about this landscape?

Managing Director at TruStage Ventures Sam Das discussed the unique challenges that confront credit unions today – from membership retention to cybersecurity. Das also explains that while there is demand from credit unions for tailored fintech solutions, fintechs needs to “come prepared” if they want to successfully partner with these financial institutions.

Photo by CoWomen

AI in Financial Services: Automation, Profitability, and Fraud Prevention

AI in Financial Services: Automation, Profitability, and Fraud Prevention

The role of AI in financial services is rapidly evolving. Not since the heady days of the Internet boom has an emerging technology so powerfully captured the imagination of companies, investors, workers, and consumers around the world.

As financial services companies search for ways to take advantage of AI to improve efficiency, better understand data, and engage more proactively and personally with their customers, it is all the more worthwhile for us to listen to those entrepreneurs, analysts, and investors who have taken the time to understand both AI’s promise as well as its limitations. Here, in our latest series of Streamly interviews, we present three individuals whose insights into AI are worth hearing and sharing.

Generative AI: Extending the boundaries of what automation can do

In this interview with Sarah Hinkfuss, Partner of Bain Capital Ventures, we learn how generative AI is transforming the way financial institutions leverage unstructured data, streamline processes, improve underwriting, and expand their product offerings. The conversation also touches on the importance of data quality and change management in AI adoption for financial institutions, providing valuable lessons from early adopters.

How can you make AI adoption profitable?

Chris Brown, President of Intelygenz USAA, talks about two decades of optimizing banking and fintech through deep tech and AI solutions, and shares his top takeaways from his keynote address at FinovateSpring earlier this year. Brown discusses some of Intelygenz’s strategies to overcome common AI project pitfalls, and explains the company’s end-to-end approach to client engagement.

Navigating fraud prevention challenges with AI

Intellicheck CEO Bryan Lewis explores contemporary challenges in fraud prevention, the limitations of traditional methods, and the role of AI in enhancing security measures. Lewis discusses how AI can both help and hinder fraud prevention, as well as how you can protect yourself and your business from fraud.

Photo by Tara Winstead

The Evolution of the Customer Experience Discussion in Fintech

The Evolution of the Customer Experience Discussion in Fintech

The conversation around customer experience in financial services pre-dates fintech. And while the topic surged after the great digitalization of services took place in 2020, conversation about customer experience in banking and fintech has once again slowed.

This regression is taking place not because we’ve perfected the customer experience or because the topic is no longer relevant. Rather, it is because other topics, like the inclusion of GenAI or the consideration of multiple, new regulations have taken the spotlight. These two factors, however, are contributing to a change in how we discuss customer experience in banking and fintech. That’s because we are now leveraging GenAI tools to use data analytics and behavioral insights to respond to and anticipate customer needs. Regulatory compliance factors, such as new privacy acts, have also caused conversations around the customer experience to mature.

At FinovateSpring earlier this year, we spoke with multiple experts to better comprehend how the conversation around the customer experience has evolved, to grasp where we are now, and to understand where the concept is headed in the future.

LeanData’s Matt Lyman on LeanData’s approach to transforming CRM in financial services

Next Step’s Shirin Oreizy on unlocking behavioral insights in financial services marketing

Beyond the Arc’s Steven Ramirez on revolutionizing customer experience with AI and embedded finance

SVB’s Christopher Hollins on personalizing the banking experience

EMARKETER’s Tiffani Montez on BaaS in financial services

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Insights from the Frontlines: Five Fintech Founders Share Their Stories

Insights from the Frontlines: Five Fintech Founders Share Their Stories

In the fast-evolving world of fintech, founders are a breed apart, characterized by their unique blend of grit, determination, and adaptability. Their journeys are often marked by challenges, triumphs, and invaluable insights. In this series of interviews, we delve into the minds of five fintech founders to uncover the lessons they’ve learned, the key traits they believe are essential for a successful founding team, and the distinctive challenges and opportunities they’ve encountered on their entrepreneurial paths. Join us as we explore the stories and experiences that have shaped these innovative leaders in the fintech industry.

Below, we feature insights from:

Reflections on our journey – key lessons learned since launching our company

The winning formula – essential traits for a successful founding team

Our company’s early challenges – overcoming obstacles on the path to success

Our fintech solution – recognising the need and maximising potential

From vision to reality – how it all began

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán

Founders Series: 5 Conversations on Compliance and the Regulatory Landscape in Fintech

Founders Series: 5 Conversations on Compliance and the Regulatory Landscape in Fintech

The regulatory landscape for companies innovating in fintech and financial services is complex and ever-changing. Whether a company is developing solutions in the crypto space or seeking to take advantage of the opportunities in open banking, open finance, or Banking-as-a-Service, a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory environment is critical for success.

In its latest series of video conversations from our sister publication Fintech Futures, Fintech Founders interviews six industry professionals – all Founders and Co-Founders – to hear from them what they believe will be the biggest regulatory challenges for fintech start-ups in the coming years.

Check out our conversations on compliance in fintech and financial services featuring:

Ensuring Compliance for Your Product or Service

Evolution of Industry Compliance – A Decade of Shifting Perspectives and Practices

Regulatory requirements – Adapting operations accordingly

Technology and automation – Streamlining compliance processes

Navigating the Regulatory Landscape – Top Challenges for Fintech Start-ups

Photo by Markus Winkler