AI in Financial Services: Automation, Profitability, and Fraud Prevention

AI in Financial Services: Automation, Profitability, and Fraud Prevention

The role of AI in financial services is rapidly evolving. Not since the heady days of the Internet boom has an emerging technology so powerfully captured the imagination of companies, investors, workers, and consumers around the world.

As financial services companies search for ways to take advantage of AI to improve efficiency, better understand data, and engage more proactively and personally with their customers, it is all the more worthwhile for us to listen to those entrepreneurs, analysts, and investors who have taken the time to understand both AI’s promise as well as its limitations. Here, in our latest series of Streamly interviews, we present three individuals whose insights into AI are worth hearing and sharing.

Generative AI: Extending the boundaries of what automation can do

In this interview with Sarah Hinkfuss, Partner of Bain Capital Ventures, we learn how generative AI is transforming the way financial institutions leverage unstructured data, streamline processes, improve underwriting, and expand their product offerings. The conversation also touches on the importance of data quality and change management in AI adoption for financial institutions, providing valuable lessons from early adopters.

How can you make AI adoption profitable?

Chris Brown, President of Intelygenz USAA, talks about two decades of optimizing banking and fintech through deep tech and AI solutions, and shares his top takeaways from his keynote address at FinovateSpring earlier this year. Brown discusses some of Intelygenz’s strategies to overcome common AI project pitfalls, and explains the company’s end-to-end approach to client engagement.

Navigating fraud prevention challenges with AI

Intellicheck CEO Bryan Lewis explores contemporary challenges in fraud prevention, the limitations of traditional methods, and the role of AI in enhancing security measures. Lewis discusses how AI can both help and hinder fraud prevention, as well as how you can protect yourself and your business from fraud.

Photo by Tara Winstead

The Evolution of the Customer Experience Discussion in Fintech

The Evolution of the Customer Experience Discussion in Fintech

The conversation around customer experience in financial services pre-dates fintech. And while the topic surged after the great digitalization of services took place in 2020, conversation about customer experience in banking and fintech has once again slowed.

This regression is taking place not because we’ve perfected the customer experience or because the topic is no longer relevant. Rather, it is because other topics, like the inclusion of GenAI or the consideration of multiple, new regulations have taken the spotlight. These two factors, however, are contributing to a change in how we discuss customer experience in banking and fintech. That’s because we are now leveraging GenAI tools to use data analytics and behavioral insights to respond to and anticipate customer needs. Regulatory compliance factors, such as new privacy acts, have also caused conversations around the customer experience to mature.

At FinovateSpring earlier this year, we spoke with multiple experts to better comprehend how the conversation around the customer experience has evolved, to grasp where we are now, and to understand where the concept is headed in the future.

LeanData’s Matt Lyman on LeanData’s approach to transforming CRM in financial services

Next Step’s Shirin Oreizy on unlocking behavioral insights in financial services marketing

Beyond the Arc’s Steven Ramirez on revolutionizing customer experience with AI and embedded finance

SVB’s Christopher Hollins on personalizing the banking experience

EMARKETER’s Tiffani Montez on BaaS in financial services

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Insights from the Frontlines: Five Fintech Founders Share Their Stories

Insights from the Frontlines: Five Fintech Founders Share Their Stories

In the fast-evolving world of fintech, founders are a breed apart, characterized by their unique blend of grit, determination, and adaptability. Their journeys are often marked by challenges, triumphs, and invaluable insights. In this series of interviews, we delve into the minds of five fintech founders to uncover the lessons they’ve learned, the key traits they believe are essential for a successful founding team, and the distinctive challenges and opportunities they’ve encountered on their entrepreneurial paths. Join us as we explore the stories and experiences that have shaped these innovative leaders in the fintech industry.

Below, we feature insights from:

Reflections on our journey – key lessons learned since launching our company

The winning formula – essential traits for a successful founding team

Our company’s early challenges – overcoming obstacles on the path to success

Our fintech solution – recognising the need and maximising potential

From vision to reality – how it all began

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán

Founders Series: 5 Conversations on Compliance and the Regulatory Landscape in Fintech

Founders Series: 5 Conversations on Compliance and the Regulatory Landscape in Fintech

The regulatory landscape for companies innovating in fintech and financial services is complex and ever-changing. Whether a company is developing solutions in the crypto space or seeking to take advantage of the opportunities in open banking, open finance, or Banking-as-a-Service, a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory environment is critical for success.

In its latest series of video conversations from our sister publication Fintech Futures, Fintech Founders interviews six industry professionals – all Founders and Co-Founders – to hear from them what they believe will be the biggest regulatory challenges for fintech start-ups in the coming years.

Check out our conversations on compliance in fintech and financial services featuring:

Ensuring Compliance for Your Product or Service

Evolution of Industry Compliance – A Decade of Shifting Perspectives and Practices

Regulatory requirements – Adapting operations accordingly

Technology and automation – Streamlining compliance processes

Navigating the Regulatory Landscape – Top Challenges for Fintech Start-ups

Photo by Markus Winkler

Gen AI, Geopolitics, and the Blue Dot Customer: 3 Conversations from FinovateEurope

Gen AI, Geopolitics, and the Blue Dot Customer: 3 Conversations from FinovateEurope

Today we’re sharing our final set of conversations from our European fintech conference, FinovateEurope. This round of interviews expands beyond our recent look at embedded finance, open banking, and the customer experience in financial services to cover broader themes like AI, the intersection of geopolitics and finance, and the customer of tomorrow.

The truth about generative AI: What financial institutions really need to know about adoption

Author, Generative AI expert, and founder at Tamang Ventures, Nina Schick discusses the realities facing financial services companies when they adopt generative AI. Schick talks about lessons financial services companies can learn from early adopters of the technology in other industries, and why partnerships are the way forward for most companies in banking and finance to best take advantage of AI.

The geopolitical super cycle and what that means for financial services

CEO at London Politica, Manas Chawla talks about the geopolitical risks facing the financial services sector in 2024 – from Ukraine to Gaza to the upcoming Presidential election in the United States. Chawla also discusses the geopolitical supercycle and the challenge of “grey rhino” threats that leaders in both business and politics need to be aware of.

The blue dot consumer: What can financial services learn from Taylor Swift, Red Bull, and United Airlines

A consumer behaviouralist at The King of Customer Experience Ken Hughes introduces the concept of the blue dot consumer in his discussion of what he calls “the customer of tomorrow.” Hughes talks about the relationship between technology and the human experience, how successful brands build loyalty, and what banks and financial institutions can do to foster true loyalty.

Photo by CoWomen

Wealthtech, Open Banking, and Personalization: 3 Conversations from FinovateEurope

Wealthtech, Open Banking, and Personalization: 3 Conversations from FinovateEurope

Our series on conversations with fintech experts from FinovateEurope continues this week. Today we feature three interviews I conducted with fintech professionals innovating in some of the more interesting areas of our field:

  • a discussion with everyoneINVESTED’s Jurgen Vandenbroucke on the challenge of embedding emotion into financial technology
  • a conversation with BBVA’s Jose Luis Navarro on open banking and the future of financial services
  • an interview with Katharina Lüth, Chief Client Officer and Managing Director at Raisin, on the importance of personalization in the customer experience.

Wealthtech: bringing investment solutions to banks and customers

Jurgen Vandenbroucke, Managing Director at everyoneINVESTED, talks about the unique challenges of innovating in the wealth management and investment space. He shares his thoughts on what digital engagement really means when it comes to serving investors, and discusses what changes he sees in the regulatory landscape for investors in the U.K. and Europe.

Open banking and the future of financial services

Head of Open Banking Strategy at BBVA, Jose Luis Navarro, discusses the different approaches to open banking in Europe, North America, South America, and beyond. He covers the role of regulation, the importance of understanding third party risk, and the way customer demand is shaping the perception of open banking.

Personalization and customer engagement in an international financial services company

Chief Client Officer and Managing Director at Raisin Katharina Lüth talks about the importance of personalization and customer engagement in an international financial services company. Lüth discusses how Raisin develops personalization strategies across multiple geographies, how to manage friction in the customer experience, as well as current economic trends in the U.K., Europe, and the U.S.

Photo by Donald Tong

Streamly Fintech Insights: Geopolitical Risk, Tech Trends, What’s Hot, and What’s Not

Streamly Fintech Insights: Geopolitical Risk, Tech Trends, What’s Hot, and What’s Not

Need some Friday insight to carry you into the weekend? We’ve got you covered.

Today, we’re unveiling four videos featuring interviews with fintech experts. These videos provide valuable perspectives on the escalation in geopolitical risk, key tech trends revealed at FinovateEurope, and a comprehensive overview of what’s hot and what’s not in the fintech space. Whether you’re a seasoned industry professional or just curious about the latest developments, these videos offer valuable insights from some of the brightest minds in the field.

Photo by Shahadat Rahman on Unsplash

Streamly Subject Snapshot: Fintech Investing & Partnership Themes

Streamly Subject Snapshot: Fintech Investing & Partnership Themes

Keeping up-to-date in the fintech world takes more than just reading what’s going on in the fintech news cycle. It’s important to read takes on different trends and themes from across the industry, as well. To help span this gap, we’ve brought insights from thought leaders across the industry to our Streamly videos.

Today, we’re featuring six videos recorded at FinovateEurope that showcase the expertise of some of the speakers in attendance. The first, 15-minute video highlights VC investors’ thoughts on fintech valuations, M&A activity, partnerships, and more.

The remaining videos we’re showcasing today are part of Streamly’s Fintech Founders Partnership series, a set of three-to-four minute videos that detail thought leaders’ opinions on a wide range of partnership issues.

Potential partnerships– assessing the strategic fit

Partnership goals– maintaining goal alignment

Data security & privacy– sharing sensitive financial information

Emerging technologies– facilitating deeper collaborations

Industry partnerships– measuring success

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

Insights on Exploring Payments, CBDCs, Embedded Finance, and DEI in Fintech

Insights on Exploring Payments, CBDCs, Embedded Finance, and DEI in Fintech

Want to dive into the latest trends and discussions in the fintech world? Check out the conversations we’ve curated in these four videos recorded at last month’s FinovateEurope conference. From the future of payments to the role of banks in embedded finance, these videos offer valuable insights into some of the industry’s most pressing topics.

Hear from IFX Payments’ Head of Operations Stephen Hutchinson on changes in the payments scene, Ericsson’s Head of Mobile Financial Services Solutions & Strategy Ville Sointu on the future of CBDCs in Europe, Innovate Finance’s CEO Janine Hirt on embedded finance, and Harrington Star Group’s Co-Founder & Chief Customer Officer Nadia Edwards-Dashti on how fintech is engaging with DEI.

Payments in 2024: New challenges, regulations, and innovation

The future of CBDCs in Europe: What does the ECB have in store?

Embedded finance and the role of banks in its future

Driving positive changes in fintech: How is the industry engaging with DEI?

Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash

Code & Capital: AI Versus the Internet and Harnessing the Power of Gen AI

Code & Capital: AI Versus the Internet and Harnessing the Power of Gen AI

Streamly’s Code & Capital series takes a next-level look at the potential for enabling technologies to transform fintech and financial services.

In today’s first conversation, Code & Capital talks with Generative AI expert and founder of Tamang Ventures Nina Schick about the way that AI could fundamentally reshape industries and economies this century the way the Internet did decades ago. Schick also discusses use cases for Generative AI in financial services and the threat posed by AI-powered deepfakes.

An author, advisor, and keynote speaker, Schick is an expert in synthetic media, deepfakes, disinformation, cybersecurity, and the geopolitics of technology. Her debut book, Deepfakes, was released in 2020 and has been translated into five languages.

Code & Capital also talked with Head of Conversational AI at Zurich Insurance Group, Indrek Vainu. In this conversation, Vainu shared some of the real-world applications of Generative AI in areas such as risk management, fraud detection, and customer service. Vainu also discussed what financial institutions need to do in order to effectively deploy AI technologies in their businesses.

Vainu co-founded AlphaChat, a chatbot startup, that was acquired by Zurich Insurance Group in 2021. At Zurich, he leads activities globally related to Generative AI and chatbots.

Photo by Kevin Ku

Embedded Banking and Generative AI: Two Top Trends in Banking and Insurance Technology

Embedded Banking and Generative AI: Two Top Trends in Banking and Insurance Technology

Last month at FinovateEurope, I had the pleasure of conducting interviews with 14 professionals, entrepreneurs, and authors from the world of fintech and financial services. A few days ago, I shared videos of my conversations with Moneyhub’s Samantha Seaton and Finthropology’s Anette Broløs.

Today, I’m unveiling another pair of interviews from FinovateEurope. First, I sit down with Edwin Van Bommel, Head of Strategy and Innovation with ABN AMRO Bank. In his role with the bank, van Bommel is responsible for introducing new products and services to clients in the areas of artificial intelligence and distributed ledger technology.

In our conversation, van Bommel and I talk about the different ways ABN AMRO Bank is leveraging enabling technologies like embedded banking, generative AI, and distributed ledger. We also talk about the challenge of legacy systems and why they will still “play an important role in the future” of financial services.

In our second video interview, Indrek Vainu, Head of Conversational AI at Zurich Insurance Group, and I talk about the challenge and opportunity of artificial intelligence in financial services. We discussed ways that generative AI, for example, is bringing innovation to both the front and back office. Vainu also shared what he believes are the next steps in AI adoption in fintech and financial services.

In his role as Head of Conversational AI at Zurich Insurance Company, Vainu leads activities globally that are related to Generative AI and chatbots. He co-founded AlphaChat, a chatbot startup that was acquired by Zurich Insurance Group in 2021.

Hearing from Women Leaders in Fintech

Hearing from Women Leaders in Fintech

We had the privilege of sitting down and interviewing three remarkable women leaders in the fintech industry last month. As we bid farewell to Women’s History Month, we are thrilled to share the wealth of knowledge and experience they shared with us.

In our interview videos below, you’ll hear from Nadia Edwards-Dashti, Co-Founder at Harrington Star Group; Jen Godderidge, CEO & Founder at ATMO Technologies; and Chantal Swainston, Founder at The Heard.

These leaders delve into a variety of topics including personal and professional development, strategies for retaining female talent, the importance of empowering women in fintech, driving meaningful change within organizations, the role of coaching and mentoring, and the vital aspects of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Photo by Sound On