FinDEVr New York 2017 in Photos

FinDEVr New York 2017 in Photos

If you weren’t at FinDEVr New York last week, you missed out! We had dozens of top-notch companies on stage giving thought-provoking presentations, launching new products, and showing off with captivating live demos. What’s more, the FinDEVr format fostered high impact networking sessions complete with an open bar, yard games, and VR gaming. Here are a few highlights:

32944413403_707f5251c6_kKunal Anand, CTO & Co-Founder of Prevoty, presenting on using runtime visibility to align application security with DevOps

33601058782_a3434e4adb_kFinicity’s Nick Thomas and Jessie Morris engage in a heated ping pong duel

33601018282_0e0b3db6a8_kKen Maier takes home the award for the most engaging Twitter user

You can check out more photos of the event on FinDEVr’s Flickr page.

And, if you’re curious to see analyst opinions of what hit the FinDEVr stage last week, check out our press coverage:

Fintech Radar
Bankba megy a Watson (in Hungarian)

Seneca Globe
Experts Views on Investment Luring Stocks- International Business Machines, Shopify

The Street
IBM Develops a Cure for Banks With a Case of Digital-Market Blues
by Valerie Young

When Banks Develop Snapchat Envy, This Firm Is Ready to Help
by Valerie Young

Thanks to everyone who attended and presented! If you can’t wait another year until the next FinDEVr, you don’t have to! Check out our next event, FinDEVr London, which will take place during London Tech Week on June 12 and 13. Tickets now on sale.

Twitter Talk from FinDEVr 2017 New York

Twitter Talk from FinDEVr 2017 New York

Twitterlogo_lightblueFinDEVr New York may be done. But with FinDEVr London only a few months away, we’re already looking forward to seeing what the international developer community is doing to drive innovation in financial technology.

This year in New York, our two-day developers conference took user experience to new levels – and we’re not just talking about the state-of-the-art virtual reality sessions available for sampling at our FinDEVr Gaming Zone, either. Our partnership with Slido enabled us to bring the wisdom and curiousity of the crowd to life with a digital, Q&A display that kept everyone in the conversation. And, of course, Twitter continues to be one of our favorite ways to hear from our attending audience on what’s hot, what’s cool, and sometimes simply what’s what.


To celebrate our appreciation for our Tweeting developer community at FinDEVr, we offered a pair of awards: Most Active Tweeter and Best Use of #FinDEVr. Our top tweeters were awarded one of a number of prizes such as a miniature drone or a Chromecast – as well as the admiration of their fellow FinDEVr fans on social media.

Now let’s relive a little of that social media magic from FinDEVr 2017 New York.



















We hope you had as much fun at FinDEVr New York as we did. And if our New York event only whetted your appetite for the tech side of fintech, remember that the debut of our developers conference in London is right around the corner in June. Visit our FinDEVr London page to get an early look at the growing line-up of presenting companies.

FinDEVr New York 2017: Welcome to Day Two

FinDEVr New York 2017: Welcome to Day Two


Day One of FinDEVr New York 2017 is in the books – and what a great start to our second developers conference! From APIs, bug bounties, and card-linking to payments, risk management, and smart contracts, the first day of FinDEVr New York was a testament to the technology that continues to drive fintech innovation forward.

And that makes us all the more excited for what we’ll see on Wednesday. Day Two will feature more than a dozen presentations from a diverse array of fintech companies. But we’ll also announce the winners of our FinDEVr Favorite Awards, including Crowd and Media Favorites, Favorite Debut, Startup, Established Company, and Alum. So be sure to join us Wednesday morning at the Metropolitan Pavilion to check out the presentations, meet the presenters, and make your preferences known.

Here’s the agenda for Wednesday.

Session 1: 9:30am – 10:35am

Networking and Coffee Break: 10:35am – 11:00am

Session 2: 11:00am – 12:20pm

Buffet Lunch: 12:20pm – 1:20pm

Session 3: 1:20pm – 2:40pm

Networking and Coffee Break: 2:40pm – 3:05pm

Session 4:  3:05pm – 4:45pm

Networking and Open Bar with Appetizers: 4:45pm – 6:00pm

We hope you had as much fun at Day One of FinDEVr New York as we did. So grab your badge and a handful of business cards and we’ll see you bright and early Wednesday morning for Day Two.

FinDEVr New York 2017: Welcome to Day 1

FinDEVr New York 2017: Welcome to Day 1


FinDEVr New York is finally here! If you have your ticket, we’ll see you at 9 a.m. at the Metropolitan Pavilion where the first company will take the stage.

Today’s presentations will be interspersed with networking and coffee breaks and will conclude with an open bar at the end of the day. We have a stellar presenter lineup for today; check it out:

Session 1 

Session 2 

Session 3

Session 4

We’ll see you all tomorrow for the second day of FinDEVr New York. We’ll have free coat check at the venue. Don’t forget your badge!

Celebrate the Start of Spring with the Return of FinDEVr New York

Celebrate the Start of Spring with the Return of FinDEVr New York


FinDEVr New York 2017 begins tomorrow, Tuesday, March 21st. And after the successful launch of FinDEVr New York last year, we can’t wait to see what this year’s collection of developers, engineers, and technologists have in store for us.

FinDEVr is a bicoastal affair, with conferences in Silicon Valley in the fall and New York in the spring. And this year, much the same can be said of our presenters. As our FinDEVr New York 2017 presenter map below reveals, the majority of this year’s presenters hail from either California on the west coast or from any one of a number of locations from as far north as New York City to as far south as Florida on the east coast.

FDNY Presenter Map-01

And this takes nothing away from the legions of talented fintech developers innovating in places as diverse as Utah and Wisconsin, Missouri and Ohio, Washington state and Georgia. From companies and startups large and small, we’re looking forward to two days of unique insights into the way some of our most talented developers, engineers, and CTOs put the “tech” in fintech.

So to help you make the most of FinDEVr NewYork, here are a few notes and things to keep in mind:

  • Who and What? You – and maybe a colleague or two – joining dozens of companies for two days of high-level, code-friendly demonstrations and presentations on the key technologies driving fintech innovation today. If you haven’t picked up your ticket, visit our registration page and save your spot. But before you buy, be sure to use the promo code “FinDEVrBlog” and save 10% off the ticket price.
  • When and Where? This year, FinDEVr New York 2017 will be held at the Metropolitan Pavilion on West 18th Street.
  • How and Why? To learn a little bit more about the companies that will be presenting on stage Tuesday and Wednesday as well as the technologies they specialize in, check out our FinDEVr New York 2017 Preview series.

We’re excited for FinDEVr New York 2017 and hope to see you there. If you’ve got any questions about the event, please check the FAQ section of the FinDEVr New York website or contact us at [email protected].

FinDEVr New York 2017 is sponsored by Google Cloud and Box.

FinDEVr New York 2017 is partnered with American Banker, BayPay Forum,, Breaking Banks, Byte Academy, Canadian Trade Commissioner Service,Celent, CIOReview, Cointelegraph, Colloquy, CooperPress, Distributed, Economic Journal,Empire Startups, Femtech Leaders, Finmaps, Fintech Finance, Harrington Starr, Level39,Mercator Advisory Group, The Paypers, Plug and Play Tech Center,, Swiss Finance + Technology Association, and Women Who Code.

FinDEVr Dawns in New York this Week

FinDEVr Dawns in New York this Week

It’s the final countdown! FinDEVr New York begins this week and we’re excited to host the dozens of presenters on stage March 21 and 22 at the Metropolitan Pavilion. Tickets are available online (and the promo code “FinDEVrBlog” will save you 10%).

Here’s what you need to know about this week’s event:

  • Sponsors
    Google Cloud and Box are sponsoring the event this year. Not only will you be able to see them on stage, but you can also catch up with them at their sponsor booths.
  • Presenters
    The presenter roster includes established companies and small startups, alike. Each has an innovative API, tool, or platform to showcase live on stage. Check out the full presenter roster and FinDEVr Preview series on the blog for a more in-depth look at what you’ll see on stage.
  • Why
    All the presenting companies bring unique innovations to the stage — here’s a sneak peek of the themes:

FDNY Themes Cloud Final

  • When
    On March 21 and 22, presentations kick off at 9:30 a.m (with check in and breakfast open an hour before). The remainder of the day is split between presentations, networking and delicious food and beverages, plus a happy hour networking session closing out the day. Check out the full agenda below:

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We’ll see you in New York on Tuesday!

If you have any questions, check out the FAQ section on our website or email [email protected].

FinDEVr New York 2017 is sponsored by Google Cloud and Box.

FinDEVr New York 2017 is partnered with American Banker, BayPay Forum,, Breaking Banks, Byte Academy, Canadian Trade Commissioner Service,Celent, CIOReview, Cointelegraph, Colloquy, CooperPress, Distributed, Economic Journal,Empire Startups, Femtech Leaders, Finmaps, Fintech Finance, Harrington Starr, Level39,Mercator Advisory Group, The Paypers, Plug and Play Tech Center,, Swiss Finance + Technology Association, and Women Who Code.

FinDEVr Preview: Modelshop

FinDEVr Preview: Modelshop

FDNY17-Logo-RevFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr New York 2017, March 21 & 22. Tickets are on sale now. Visit our registration page and save your spot today.

Modelshop is an analytics automation platform for financial services. The company allows analysts to rapidly create custom analytics decision engines to drive lending, portfolio risk management, fraud mitigation, or any custom decision need. At FinDEVr, Modelshop will demonstrate creating a credit risk decision engine from scratch using marketplace data.


Why it’s a must-see:

Modelshop transforms how IT and business can collaborate to deploy new intelligent decision services. The company’s powerful ontology modeling engine, variable language (Groovy), and seamless integration with R and Python are backed by a user experience and REST APIs that are instantly available to enterprise applications, consumer apps, and spreadsheets.

Check out more previews of upcoming FinDEVr New York 2017 presentations and don’t forget to register before it’s too late.

FinDEVr Preview: HackerOne

FinDEVr Preview: HackerOne

FDNY17-Logo-RevFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr New York 2017, March 21 & 22. Tickets are on sale now. Visit our registration page and save your spot today.

Bug bounty programs are popping up all over the place, as more and more companies embrace collaborating with friendly hackers to find vulnerabilities before cyber criminals have a chance to exploit the same bugs for nefarious purposes. The presentation from HackerOne will show how external hackers can help assess and quantify your security posture.


Why it’s a must-see:

Today, most fintech companies are running these bug bounty programs in private. Whether you run an active program, or if your security email address is routed to /dev/null, this session will help attendees shed blind dogma and walk away armed with an analytical approach towards building an effective vulnerability disclosure program.

Check out more previews of upcoming FinDEVr New York 2017 presentations and don’t forget to register before it’s too late.

FinDEVr Preview: CardLinx

FinDEVr Preview: CardLinx

FDNY17-Logo-RevFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr New York 2017, March 21 & 22. Tickets are on sale now. Visit our registration page and save your spot today.

CardLinx will present a new open source card-linking software suite developed by Microsoft, a CardLinx founding member. The software demonstrates API access to leading payment networks and is provided for companies to further develop and customize, bringing card-linking and loyalty programs to the market faster and more easily.


Why it’s a must-see:

Card-linking is growing much faster than e-commerce. Fintech developers need to know to integrate card-linking into their platforms to create effective, integrated personalized marketing campaigns that also generate revenue from online-to-online commerce.

Check out more previews of upcoming FinDEVr New York 2017 presentations and don’t forget to register before it’s too late.

FinDEVr Preview: Quovo & SoFi

FinDEVr Preview: Quovo & SoFi

FinDEVr PreviewsFDNY17-Logo-Rev highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr New York 2017, March 21 & 22. Tickets are on sale now. Visit our registration page and save your spot today.

Quovo will be presenting its new Authentication API alongside its partner, SoFi. Together they will demonstrate how developers can quickly call Quovo’s Authentication API to instantly connect financial accounts to verify key account data, facilitating payments and transfers while streamlining the onboarding process.

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Why it’s a must-see:

Whether you’re looking at payments, lending, or personal finance, you can’t build a product without connecting to your users’ financial accounts. They will show you how SoFi uses Quovo’s Authentication API to quickly connect with their users’ accounts at more than 200 financial institutions!

Check out more previews of upcoming FinDEVr New York 2017 presentations and don’t forget to register before it’s too late.

FinDEVr Preview: Symphony Software Foundation

FinDEVr Preview: Symphony Software Foundation

FinDEVr PreviewsFDNY17-Logo-Rev highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr New York 2017, March 21 & 22. Tickets are on sale now. Visit our registration page and save your spot today.

With Symphony Software Foundation, you’ll learn how to deliver a compliant, open source bot or integration on Symphony within minutes through the Symphony Software Foundation Open Developer Platform.

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Why it’s a must-see:

Embracing open source is the key to agile development and delivery. See how the open source Symphony framework combined with the Open Developer Platform allows you to build your own integrations in a matter of minutes.

Check out more previews of upcoming FinDEVr New York 2017 presentations and don’t forget to register before it’s too late.

FinDEVr Preview: GoodData

FinDEVr Preview: GoodData

FinDEVr PreviewsFDNY17-Logo-Rev highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr New York 2017, March 21 & 22. Tickets are on sale now. Visit our registration page and save your spot today.

GoodData will demonstrate how to leverage the latent data of financial services organizations and turn it into actionable insights delivered to thousands of business users at their point-of-work. Specifically, embedding machine learning-augmented insights of business users’ transactional systems, ensuring they have the best guidance available.

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Why it’s a must-see:

Understand how the delivery of actionable insights to business users at their point-of-work helps them improve the quality, efficiency, and profitability of each decision they make every day of the year. These better daily business decisions will result in your company’s growth, customer satisfaction, and competitive differentiation.

Check out more previews of upcoming FinDEVr New York 2017 presentations and don’t forget to register before it’s too late.