Friday Night’s Alright for Fintech: FinDEVr London Videos and More

Friday Night’s Alright for Fintech: FinDEVr London Videos and More

Just in time for the weekend, your friendly neighborhood fintech blog has your back!

First off, the presentation videos from FinDEVr London are up. If you missed our developers conference in the U.K. earlier this month, this is a great opportunity to see every minute of every presentation from the show. Want to know the story behind the white hat hackers of HackerOne? Curious about what IdentityMind Global did to wow the Day Two audience and win a Crowd Favorite award?  Our FinDEVr London 2017 video archives has everything you need.

Crowd Favorite: Day One – HackerOne

Crowd Favorite Runner-Up: Day One – Trusted Key

Crowd Favorite: Day Two – IdentityMind Global

Crowd Favorite Runner-Up: Day Two –

Second, have you seen the video of our panel on Open Banking featuring Louise Beaumont of the Open Banking Working Group, Tandem Money Chief Operating Officer Nick Bennett, and Brian Vella, Lead Technical Architect for Ixaris Systems? Panel discussions are new to our conferences, but if the audience response was any indication, there is good reason to make them a permanent part of our events. Thanks to everyone who attended – especially those who participated in our Q&A via Slido – and thanks to our trio of panelists for an engaging discussion on a timely topic.

Third, we would also like to thank the journalists, bloggers, and other press folks who came out to cover our developers conference. It is always interesting to compare the media’s take on FinDEVr with the impressions and observations from those in attendance. Below we’ve included a smattering of the press coverage from the show; if you wrote an article, blog post, or other media about FinDEVr that you would like us to include, please let us know.

Benhamou Global Ventures – Portfolio News
IdentityMind Takes Crowd Favorite Award, FinDEVr London 2017
Coming technology: Fintech developers tell you what to look for and why the fintech revolution arose.

eSignLive Blog
Instant Replay: eSignLive at FinDEVr London 2017
by Rahim Kaba Blog
FinDEVr Q&A with Rangle
by Douglas Riches

TestDevLab Blog
5 Interesting Companies We Met at FinDEVr London 2017
by Kristaps Skutelis

Trusted Key Blog
FinDEVr London
by Prakash Sundaresan

Virtual Strategy Magazine
Harborx Presentation “When Trading Meets Gaming” Well Received at FinDEVr London 2017

And finally we’re including a sample of top tweets from the FinDEVr Twitterverse. Thanks to our informed community of fintech tweeters for sharing their insights on two days of fintech innovation.

FinDEVr London: Crowd Favorites and Top Tweeters

FinDEVr London: Crowd Favorites and Top Tweeters

FinDEVr London is a wrap! Big thanks to all those who attended our first developers conference in the U.K. We had a great time meeting developers and software engineers from around the world who had come to London to find out more about the technologies that are driving the latest innovations in fintech.

We would also like to thank our sponsors and partners, our AV team and volunteers, and everyone else who came out and made FinDEVr’s London debut a success. We are looking forward to coming back!

And last but not least, let’s give a tip of the hat to FinDEVr London’s Crowd Favorites. Chosen exclusively by our attending audience, four companies were selected: a Crowd Favorite and a Runner Up for both Day One and Day Two.

Day One Crowd Favorite: HackerOne 

Day One Crowd Favorite Runner Up: Trusted Key

Day Two Crowd Favorite: IdentityMind Global

Day Two Crowd Favorite Runner Up:

Thanks to our followers on Twitter, who were an active part of FinDEVr London. Whether you were able to join our live audience or followed the conference online or on your mobile phone, the #FinDEVr hashtag @FinDEVr was a great way to make your opinions heard and learn from the observations of the fintech professionals among our followers.

Again this year we awarded a pair of Twitter prizes. Taking top honors for Best Use of #FinDEVr was Jimmi Bram (@JimmiBram) of Copenhagen, Denmark, with his especially keen eye on cryptography and ID verification technologies.

Earning Runner Up was Simon Bussy (@SimonBussyAltus) of the U.K. Simon won not only for his best practices strategy of including photos with his tweets, but also for tweeting the equation all of us at FinDEVr live by: “fintech + great venue + good coffee = great morning.”

And speaking of Twitter photos and best practices, our winner for the Best #FinDEVr Photo went to Sofia Mashovets (@SofiaMashovets) of Harborx.

Sofia accompanied her Twitter photo (below) with the note: “My super power? Making the CEO and CTO take silly pics at 💪🏻they’re the best, really (these guys, not the pics).”


FinDEVr London 2017: Welcome to Day Two

FinDEVr London 2017: Welcome to Day Two

This is FinDEVr’s first show in London, and we are loving it! After yesterday’s fun and thought-provoking day full of fintech developer presentations proved to be one for the record books, today we’re ready for the second round.

The schedule will be quite similar to yesterday. Today, however, we are hosting a panel discussion which will take place on the main stage between the final presentation and the open bar and happy hour.

Presentation Session: 9:30 to 10:55

  • 09:35 TestDevLab
    Mobile Automation Security Scanner Tools
  • 09:55
    Coding real-time trading/investments on your mobile device in less than 15 mn with any API? Yes, we can.
  • 10:15 Harborx
    When Trading Meets Gaming
  • 10:35 eSignLive by VASCO
    E-Signatures for Mobile Account Openings & Customer Behaviour Insights

<<Coffee Break: 10:55 to 11:30>>

Presentation Session: 11:30 to 12:30

  • 11:30 aixigo
    Digital Wealth Management with APIs
  • 11:50 Simility
    Fraud Mutates – Detect, Understand and Block It
  • 12:10 Aerospike
    Rapid Application Design in Financial Services

<<Lunch Roundtable Discussions: 12:30 to 13:30>>

  • 12:30 ISARA’s CEO, Scott Totzke leading discussion: We’re all in it together: Making global fintech crypto-agile
  • 12:30 LeanXcale’s CEO & Co-Founder, Ricardo Jimenez-Peris leading discussion: Let’s get technical: Data management for fintech
  • 12:30 Aerospike’s CTO & Founder, Brian Bulkowski leading discussion: The great beyond: Innovation in your enterprise

Presentation Session: 13:30 to 14:50

  • 13:30 CASHOFF
    Collecting and Analyzing Financial Data
  • 13:50 eWise
    Managing Transition to Open Banking and PSD2 Account Aggregation
  • 14:10 Avaloq
    Avaloq Open Platform
  • 14:30 IdentityMind Global
    Entity Link API

<<Coffee Break: 14:50 to 15:20>>

Fintech Panel: 15:20 to 16:00

Hosted by David Penn, Analyst at Finovate

<<Networking with open bar & appetizers: 16:00 to 17:00>>

Here are a few reminders before heading out to today’s event:

  • Please remember to bring your name badge with you
  • Don’t forget to download the FinDEVr London event app. You can use the app to schedule meetings, vote for your favorite presentations daily, access the attendee list and more. To download the app, search FinDEVr in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Join by logging in with the email address you used to register for the event. If you’re not able to join, please email [email protected].
  • Free coat and luggage check is available today between the west and east Pennington Street entrances

FinDEVr London 2017: Welcome to Day One

FinDEVr London 2017: Welcome to Day One

Welcome to FinDEVr 2017 London!

The first presentation begins at 9:30 Monday morning. There will be four sessions today, with presentations from 13 companies. There will 30-minute coffee breaks in the morning and afternoon and, during lunch, there will be three roundtable discussions led by FinDEVr presenters. Day One concludes with an hour-long networking session and Happy Hour with open bar.

And before you head out to the event, don’t forget to download the FinDEVr London event app. You can use the app to schedule meetings, vote for your favorite presentations daily, access the attendee list and more! To download the app, search “FinDEVr” in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Join by logging in with the email address you used to register for the event. If you’re not able to join, please email [email protected] for assistance.

Presentation Session: 9:30 to 10:55

  • 09:35 Trulioo
    Trulioo API = Global Electronic Identity Verification + ID Document Verification + AML Screening
  • 09:55 NuCypher
    Body Armor for Big Data
  • 10:15 Currencycloud
    Flexible APIs in Action
  • 10:35 HackerOne
    Tapping Hackers to Improve Security

<<Coffee Break: 10:55 to 11:30>>

Presentation Session: 11:30 to 12:30

  • 11:30
    How JavaScript is Radically Changing the Way Financial Institutions Create Enhanced Customer Experiences Fostering Creativity
  • 11:50 Trusted Key
    Secure Digital Identity
  • 12:10 Zuhlke Engineering
    Digital Transformatiom of HSBC – or Changing the Engines of a Jumbo in Flight

<<Lunch Roundtable Discussions: 12:30 to 13:30>>

  • 12:30 Led by Trusted Key’s CEO, Prakash Sundaresan: Fintech climate change: Top challenges & regulatory impacts facing the financial services environment.
  • 12:30 Led by Trulioo’s Anatoly Kvitnitsky, VP of Growth and Mike Kim, Strategic Accounts Manager: AML, KYC, OMG: How to manage compliance with a smaller team and a better UX.
  • 12:30 Led by NuCypher’s MacLane Wilkison, CEO, and Michael Egorov, CTO: Regulatory compliance and data protection in the era of GDPR and PSD2 

Currencycloud Sponsored Lunch (Invite Only) 12:30-13:30

Presentation Session: 13:30 to 14:50

  • 13:30 LeanXcale
    Blending Operational & Analytical Capabilities for Fintech Data Intensive Applications
  • 13:50 Kontomatik
    FinTech Dictionary: Learn How to Navigate through the FinTech Bull*
  • 14:10 ISARA
    Why (and How) You Should Make Your FinTech Security Quantum Safe Today
  • 14:30 Cognitect
    Unlocking Hidden Value in Your Data

<<Coffee Break: 14:50 to 15:20>>

Presentation Session: 15:20 to 16:00

  • 15:20 TokBox
    Financial Services in the Social Age: Cost or Opportunity
  • 15:40 Ixaris
    2017 – The Year of Open Payments: Exploiting Disruption in the Payments Industry with the Open Payments Cloud

<<Networking with open bar & appetizers: 16:00 to 17:00>>

FinDEVr London: Tech Talk at the Tobacco Dock

FinDEVr London: Tech Talk at the Tobacco Dock

Is it any surprise that data is at the center of our Theme Cloud for FinDEVr London 2017?

Think about it. Everything is about data. Security is about safeguarding our data. APIs are about accessing and sharing data. Behavior analytics helps us undercover and utilize new forms of data – the unique timbre of a voice, patterns of strokes on a touchpad – that we previously didn’t even consider as data. Fraud prevention, KYC, digital identity … all of these themes are both top of mind for fintech professionals and critical applications of, you guessed it, data.

During one of the many insightful presentations from our developers conference in the States earlier this year, Sandeep Sood, VP of Software Engineering for Capital One, underscored how central data is to the trajectory of technological change, including in fintech. After pointing out that the mathematic underpinning for recent breakthroughs like facial recognition has been available since the late 1880s, Sood asked, “then why has it taken so long for us to have facial recognition technology?”

“The mathematics were never the limiting factor when it came to this sort of technology and our ability to do artificial intelligence and machine learning,” Sood explained. “Nor was it the computing power. The major breakthrough in the last 10 years was actually access to data.” Sood quoted Google Research Director, Peter Norvig who said, “We don’t have better algorithms. We just have more data.”

FinDEVR London starts tomorrow. Launched in Silicon Valley in the fall of 2014, our developers conference has brought together hundreds of professionals who specialize in tackling some of fintech’s trickiest challenges from the inside out. And as our Title Cloud for this week’s event shows, these professionals include everyone from Chief Technology Officers and IT Heads to software engineers, developers, and architects. These are the individuals whose names are often not well known, but whose talent and hard work is what enables us to manage our finances on our smartphones, safeguard our online identities against cybercriminals, and so much more.

Our two-day event runs all day Monday and Tuesday. Both days will feature 15-minute presentations from a wide variety of fintech professionals – all with explicitly technical backgrounds. FinDEVr London will also provide plenty of opportunities for attendees to mix, mingle, and meet up with our presenters, our sponsors, and their fellow attendees. For our first U.K. developers conference, we’ve added a handful of new features designed to help you maximize your time at FinDEVr London. These include lunchtime roundtable discussions led by our presenters, and a special panel on the open banking era hosted by the Finovate research team.

Tickets to this week’s conference are still available. So be sure to stop by our registration page and save your spot today. In the meanwhile, to help you get ready for the conference, here are a few things to know to help you make the most of your FinDEVr London experience.

Time & Date

  • FinDEVr London takes place on Monday, 12 June, and Tuesday, 13 June. Registration opens at 8:30am and the first presentation begins at 9:3oam on both days.


  • FinDEVr London will be held at London’s Tobacco Dock at Tobacco Quay, Wapping Lane, St Katharine’s & Wapping, London E1W 2SF.


  • Get a preview of what’s coming over the two days of FinDEVr London.  Presentations and presenters, roundtables, our panel, networking … check out our agenda to see what’s happening when.

Learn about the companies that will be presenting at FinDEVr London 2017 in our FinDEVr Previews series, while our FinDEVr Interviews give you a change to find out more about the teams behind the technologies. And if you like what you read, we hope we’ll see you bright and early Monday morning at the Tobacco Dock for FinDEVr’s U.K. debut.

FinDEVr London 2017 is sponsored by TestDevLab.

FinDEVr London 2017 is partnered with Aite Group, Banking TechnologyBayPay Forum,, Brave New CoinBreaking Banks, Byte Academy, The Canadian Trade Commissioner ServiceCelent, Cointelegraph, Colloquy, Cooper Press, DistributedEconomic Journal, Empire Startups, Femtech Leaders, Finmaps, Fintech Finance, Global DataHarrington Starr, Holland FintechLevel39, London Tech Week, Mapa ResearchMercator Advisory Group, The Paypers, Plug and Play,, SME Finance Forum, StartupbootcampSwiss Finance + Technology Association, and Women Who Code.

FinDEVr London: Around the Corner and Across the Globe

FinDEVr London: Around the Corner and Across the Globe

We’re nearing the end of the work week and shifting our focus to FinDEVr London, which starts on Monday, 12 June. This is the first FinDEVr outside of the U.S. and marks our most international FinDEVr event to date. The presenter map (above) highlights the geographic diversity of this year’s presenting companies.

Don’t forget to register before the event– tickets are still available, but act soon! Here are a few, quick reminders to help you get ready:

Next week’s show will be held at Tobacco Dock in London (Tobacco Quay, Wapping Ln, St Katharine’s & Wapping, London E1W 2SF)

The first presentation takes place at 9:30 AM on 12 June and registration opens at 8:30 AM so feel free to come early, take advantage of the free breakfast, and save your seat. Check out the full agenda on our website.

The agenda is loaded with fintech companies working on relevant issues for the global finance industry. View the presenter list on our website, check out previews of the companies’ presentations, and read interviews from company representatives on our blog.

Attendees traveling to FinDEVr London will be coming in from all over the world. Check out the presenter map to see the locales:


FinDEVr London 2017 is sponsored by TestDevLab.

FinDEVr London 2017 is partnered with Aite Group, Banking TechnologyBayPay Forum,, Brave New CoinBreaking Banks, Byte Academy, The Canadian Trade Commissioner ServiceCelent, Cointelegraph, Colloquy, Cooper Press, DistributedEconomic Journal, Empire Startups, Femtech Leaders, Finmaps, Fintech Finance, Global DataHarrington Starr, Holland FintechLevel39, London Tech Week, Mapa ResearchMercator Advisory Group, The Paypers, Plug and Play,, SME Finance Forum, StartupbootcampSwiss Finance + Technology Association, and Women Who Code.

FinDEVr Preview: HackerOne

FinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr London 2017.  Get ready – FinDEVr’s London conference is just a few days away! Register today before the show starts June 12  & 13. 

Bug bounty programs are popping up all over the place, as more and more companies embrace collaborating with friendly hackers to find vulnerabilities before cyber criminals have a chance to exploit the same bugs for nefarious purposes. The presentation from HackerOne will show how external hackers can help assess and quantify your security posture.


Why it’s a must-see

Today, most fintech companies are running these bug bounty programs in private. Whether you run an active program, or if your security email address is routed to /dev/null, this session will help attendees shed blind dogma and walk away armed with an analytical approach towards building an effective vulnerability disclosure program.

Check out more previews of upcoming FinDEVr London 2017 presentations. Visit our registration page to save your spot. 

FinDEVr Preview: Rangle

FinDEVr Preview: Rangle

FinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr London 2017.  Get ready – FinDEVr’s London conference is just a few days away! Register today before the show starts June 12  & 13. 

Rangle’s presentation, “How JavaScript is Radically Changing The Way Financial Institutions Create Enhanced Customer Experiences Fostering Creativity,” is focused both on new technologies and new ways of utilizing them to maximize development efficiency and foster innovation for large financial institutions.

Why it’s a must-see

Established institutions are struggling to meet the rapid changes in technology and consumer expectations. Rangle, North America’s leading digital transformation consultancy, uses modern front-end technologies like AngularJS and ReactJS to overcome today’s challenges.

Check out more previews of upcoming FinDEVr London 2017 presentations. Visit our registration page to save your spot. 

FinDEVr Preview: eWise

FinDEVr Preview: eWise

FinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr London 2017, 12  & 13 June. Visit our registration page and save your spot today. 

The eWise Aegis platform enables developers to connect with users’ financial accounts. Consumers are empowered to safely aggregate, store, manage and share their sensitive personal information with financial apps, in a safe and secure way, through our patented client-side aggregation technology, ready for PSD2 XS2A.

Why it’s a must-see

Aegis technology allows us to connect both to direct channels like PSD2 APIs and to indirect channels via HTML parsing.

Check out more previews of upcoming FinDEVr London 2017 presentations. Visit our registration page to save your spot. 

FinDEVr Preview: CASHOFF

FinDEVr Preview: CASHOFF

FinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr London 2017, 12  & 13 June. Visit our registration page and save your spot today. 

presentation will center around technologies for collecting information about consumers and small-and-medium-sized enterprises (financial data from banks and receipts with items from shops).  The demo will include examples of using it in scoring systems, loyalty programs and PFM systems inside online and mobile banking applications.


Check out more previews of upcoming FinDEVr London 2017 presentations. Visit our registration page to save your spot. 

FinDEVr Preview: Kontomatik

FinDEVr Preview: Kontomatik

FinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr London 2017, 12  & 13 June. Visit our registration page and save your spot today. 

Learn how to navigate through the fintech bullsh*t.
Hackers from Kontomatik will give you their hard take on the most hyped words and notions, from blockchain to NoSQL to microservices to machine learning. Learn the company’s fintech dictionary. Understand.

Why it’s a must-see

  1. Enterprise blockchains are a huge overpromise.
  2. NoSQL databases are C-of- databases: a low-level tool you will likely never need.
  3. Microservices are not micro.

Check out more previews of upcoming FinDEVr London 2017 presentations. Visit our registration page to save your spot. 

FinDEVr Preview: LeanXcale

FinDEVr Preview: LeanXcale

FinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr London 2017, 12  & 13 June. Visit our registration page and save your spot today. 

The goal of LeanXcale‘s presentation is to introduce a new technological trend, Hybrid Transactional-Analytical Processing, and explain how it solves the main pains of fintech data intensive applications, which have to deal with both operational data and real-time analytical queries.

Why it’s a must-see

Fintech applications require real-time Big Data capabilities. Current approaches to real-time Big Data, i.e. lambda architectures, are extremely complex to create and maintain. The novel HTAP databases, such as LeanXcale, are able to cater to the needs of different fintech applications and significantly simplify their architecture.

Check out more previews of upcoming FinDEVr London 2017 presentations. Visit our registration page to save your spot.