FinovateFall 2016 / eSTORM
Presenter Profile:
How they describe themselves: eSTORM has 17+ years of business history and the major business areas are mobile M2M business and financial industry solutions. From 3 years ago, we have been developing the innovated authentication solution funded by government. We have got honored awards from the Korean Internet Award in 2014 and UK Fintech Innovation Award in 2016 with DualAuth Solution.
How they describe their product/innovation: All of previous authentications were focusing on “User Authentication” but we have implemented a concept of “Service Authentication”. If a user meets fraud site, especially same URL and design, people cannot avoid being stolen their credentials only with “User Authentication”. Also, 2-step verification by using the SMS/ARS is an unsafe method because of mobile vulnerability and call forwarding. Therefore, we introduced the Mutual Authentication Technology that identifying and verifying the service by the user firstly. Self-innovated context and/or certified solution like as FIDO can be used to enhance the level of security. This solution can be a great countermeasure of H/W OTP, 2-Step Verification and password login.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed
Bus. Dev.: BongHo Kang, SVP
Press: HeeJun Shin, Manager
Sales: BongHo Kang, SVP