Finovate Alumni News– August 2, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgBanno’s new solution eases cross-channel headaches for FIs.
  • Virtual Piggy’s kid-friendly online payment platform.
  • ID Theft 911 partners with Cincinnati Insurance Company.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.

Virtual Piggy’s Kid-Friendly Online Payment Platform

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At FinovateSpring this year, Virtual Piggy took the stage to demo its online payments platform made for consumers under the age of 18. We wanted to check it out, so we signed up for an account.


    • Headquartered in Hermosa Beach, CA
    • Founded in 2008
    • Publicly traded company (VPIG)


Over 35 merchants have signed on with the Virtual Piggy platform, including:


Product Highlights

1. Account dashboards
The parent’s homepage displays 5 categories:

  • Payment Accounts
  • Child Profiles
  • Guest list
  • Merchant list
  • Reports

There is also an Alerts section highlighting items that need attention.


The child’s homepage is much simpler, and displays a dashboard that details:

    • Spending
    • Saving
    • Giving
    • Wishlist

2. Child settings
Parents customize an account for each child and select details, such as:

  1. Limits on transaction dollar amount
  2. Allowed merchants
  3. Parent approval requirement
  4. Savings requirements


3. Making a Purchase
When a child adds an item to the cart and is ready to checkout, they simply select the Virtual Piggy icon.


Next, the child is prompted to enter their username and password to login, then confirm the purchase. Since the parent already entered payment and shipping information, shipping is automatically calculated.


What’s New

Since demoing at FinovateSpring, Virtual Piggy began supporting monthly subscription payments. With this update, teens and tweens can purchase subscriptions within games and other online digital media services by using their Virtual Piggy accounts.

To learn more about Virtual Piggy, watch its FinovateSpring 2012 demo.

Klarna Teams Up with We Do Commerce

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European payment solutions company Klarna announced today that it teamed up with We Do Commerce, a Pennsylvania-based e-commerce development firm.

The two will join forces to bring Klarna’s solutions to We Do Commerce’s North American customers who do business with countries where Klarna operates.

Because most of We Do Commerce’s clients are on Demandware and Magento ecommerce platforms, Klarna built integrations into both platforms to facilitate merchant adoption.

To learn more about Klarna, watch its FinovateSpring 2012 demo.

Banno’s New Solution Eases Cross-Channel Headaches for FIs

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Today, mobile app and website provider,Banno (formerly T8 Webware), announced that all websites it develops will be optimized for any type of device, regardless of screen size.

Its new, responsive design format offers a single URL that reacts to screen sizes of online, mobile, and tablet devices. This device agnostic approach will help FIs prepare for multi-channel banking.

The new websites also save time on updates:

“Furthermore, the websites now have a live data feed that updates rates based on predetermined formulas, assuring that accurate rates are published across channels instantaneously without the man hours of monitoring and making adjustments previously required.”

Banno also introduced dynamic website content. With this feature, the content that users see will change depending on the user’s historical searches, clicks and preferences.

To learn more about Banno, watch its FinovateFall 2011 demo and come to FinovateFall next month to check out its new tech.

Finovate Alumni News– August 1, 2012

  • Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Finovate-F-Logo.jpgInc. Mag features ReadyForZero & as tackling the student debt crisis. Check out at FinovateFall.
  •  Orlando Sentinel reports Kony Solutions is on cutting edge of app development.
  • The Chicago Tribune reports Braintree to add 150 jobs.
  • Check out Q2 funding for Finovate alumni: over $120 mil raised.
  • ReadyForZero begins Smart Money Debate series.
  • Netbanker reports: Bank Simple Innovations #1 & #2: Demo Mode After Login.
  • MiiCard names RBS tech veteran Stephen Brannan chairman.
  • BostInno features LearnVest. Come see LearnVest’s new fintech at FinovateFall in NYC next month.
  • Beloit Daily News looks at how 2 local businesses are using ShopKeep POS.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.