“Swipe2pay enables customers to make payments at 17,000 banks and 100,000 retail locations nationwide. Swipe2pay permits cash preferred consumers to make a payment by simply swiping their card. Credit cards, store cards, gas cards and thousands more can be paid in cash at any participating location. This innovative service takes 99.9% of all cards, automatically enables over half a billion cards as well as over 300,000 card programs with a single software connection.
For billers, Swipe2pay delivers error-free convenience at a lower per-payment cost with no exceptions or misapplied funds. Payment networks will see increased store traffic and new revenue streams; with no new start up costs or equipment to buy. Our services directly integrate into current infrastructure. Consumers will avoid late fees, stamps, money orders, and paperwork: all at a lower price.”
Product Launched: July 2011