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Aire Launches API to Help Underwrite Risk of Borrowers with Thin Credit


This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2015.
Aire demonstrated its Credit API that helps lenders underwrite the risk of borrowers with thin credit files.

Aire is launching its Credit API at FinovateEurope 2015. The API enables lenders to use Aire to perform a credit check when traditional data doesn’t exist in the credit bureaus.

The immediate benefit is the ability to re-score applicants when no data exists on their bureau file. This enables lenders to expand the pool of eligible applicants by removing the no-data problem.

The API can also be used as a credit enhancement amongst other use-cases that we are excited to see companies explore. The signup for the API will also open at FinovateEurope for our partners.


Presenters: Cofounders Aneesh Varma and Jon Bundy


Product launch: February 2015
Metrics: Aire is a TechStars company; 7 employees
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B) through financial institutions and through other fintech companies and platforms

HQ: London, United Kingdom
Founded: January 2014

Twitter: @airescore