Each company provided a short summary of the innovation they will debut on stage. We published 27 last week and we will complete the preview next week.

With Backbase you can now start small. Just embed in your existing site and expand from there, creating a full cross-device user experience platform.
Innovation type: Marketing, mobile, online
FIND is integrated with trading terminals to provide high quality information, visuals, heat maps of sentiment and market data to help traders find trading opportunities in this fast moving market.
FIND helps you explore new ideas and keep pulse on current business events/issues. Whether you are a short term trader, investor, or fund manager – whether you prefer equities, futures and options, forex or commodities – you will find a wealth of information that matters to you streaming at your fingertips.
Innovation type: Investing & asset management, online

Innovation type: Online, payments small business

With Tereon, you can implement any number of innovative products and payment services, be they point solutions or new networks. You can support any business logic, and you can use existing core systems and settlement processes to provide secure, inter-operable, account-to-account, payments that meet stringent regulatory standards.
We will demonstrate a four-party deployment that supports payments from phone to phone, phone to card terminal, card to terminal and on-line in multiple currencies.
Innovation type: Banking
For financial institutions that have a lot of mobile developments underway, Metaforic technology can be integrated with existing developments at the end of the software development lifecycle. This technology is an automatic process not requiring significant developer time or security expertise.
Innovation type: Security
BAM! ‘Social’ is the next big thing in mobile payments, yet it is not easy to implement for existing PSPs or banks. A category killer in this field must be social by design.
Think of us as Paypal, just with a lot more pal – and get excited about a cutting-edge user experience that is fun to use day after day! Because, after all, dividing expenses should lower the burden for all, not cause additional effort for some.
Innovation type: Mobile, payments, PFM
type: Investing & asset management, online, PFM

Today, millions of small businesses are missing out on customers because they cannot accept card payments due to high fees and long contract durations. SumUp offers the easiest way for small businesses to accept card payments.
Using only a portable card reader and an app for iOS and Android, merchants can accept card payments on their mobile device, with a transparent fee of only 2.75% per transaction.
SumUp will demo a new cashless point-of-sale solution that will radically simplify the way people pay in every day life.
Innovation type: Cards, mobile, payments, rewards