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Finextra Looks at Mint, HelloWallet, and Lodo to Consider Benefits of Implementing a PFM

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Yesterday, Finextra published an article highlighting the benefits of implementing a PFM. It publishes some interesting stats on key PFM platforms:

    • 90% of Mint’s almost 8 million users say the PFM haschangedtheirfinancial habits
    • Users are willing to pay $9 for HelloWallet*HelloWallet.jpgLodoSoftwareLogo.jpg
    • Lodo boasts member retention rates of98% among PFM users
    • According to Lodo, PFM users have more bank accounts than non-users

To learn more about Mint, HelloWallet, and Lodo, watch Mint’s FinovateSpring 2011 demo, HelloWallet’s FinovateSpring 2011 demo, and Lodo’s FinovateEurope 2011 demo


*Does not include employees who are given the PFM services as an employee benefit from their company.