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Vorstack Launches VFS for Coordinated Cyber Defense

Vorstack Launches VFS for Coordinated Cyber Defense

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateSpring 2014.

Then, Vorstack demonstrated how its technology defends against cyber attacks:
“Vorstack’s VFS solution for financial services is a distributed analytics and correlation platform for multi-party coordinated cyber defense. We provide the control and auditability necessary to satisfy strict domestic and international privacy, anonymity, and compliance requirements. 
Our solution natively operates across emerging threat-sharing standards like STIX/TAXII to enable organizations to leverage public-private partnerships and ISACS to promote intelligence sharing. Vorstack’s solution provides a configurable channel for human intelligence collaboration complementing real-time data intelligence analysis.”
Presenting: Joe Eandi (CEO & Founder) and Mark Manning (VP Technical Services)
Product Launch: April 2014
Metrics: Over $5M raised to date, 15+ employees, deployed with multiple leading e-commerce and technology companies, launching with financial services in April 2014
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), licensed
HQ: Los Altos, CA
Founded: March 2011
Twitter: @vorstack