Then, Vorstack demonstrated how its technology defends against cyber attacks:
“Vorstack’s VFS solution for financial services is a distributed analytics and correlation platform for multi-party coordinated cyber defense. We provide the control and auditability necessary to satisfy strict domestic and international privacy, anonymity, and compliance requirements.Our solution natively operates across emerging threat-sharing standards like STIX/TAXII to enable organizations to leverage public-private partnerships and ISACS to promote intelligence sharing. Vorstack’s solution provides a configurable channel for human intelligence collaboration complementing real-time data intelligence analysis.”
Presenting: Joe Eandi (CEO & Founder) and Mark Manning (VP Technical Services)
Product Launch: April 2014
Metrics: Over $5M raised to date, 15+ employees, deployed with multiple leading e-commerce and technology companies, launching with financial services in April 2014
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), licensed
HQ: Los Altos, CA
Founded: March 2011
Twitter: @vorstack