FinovateAsia 2018 / Topicus.Finance

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Topicus was founded in 1998 in The Netherlands with the ambition to make a positive impact on society with IT solutions. We do this by considering the entire value chain and rethinking roles and cross-organizational processes. We call this ‘connected banking’: consumers and entrepreneurs can seamlessly switch between self-service and advice; bank decisions are highly automated with finance specific rule engines and innovative process management.

How they describe their product/innovation: Fyndoo powered by Topicus: The lending platform that makes lending more accessible, efficient and transparent, connecting all parties throughout all loan product life cycles.

SME’s, homeowners and other consumers are guided throughout the lending application process; from quick online orientation via origination, fulfillment, acceptance and execution; all powered from a single, open loan product and process management workbench. Where possible, the customer performs actions, seeks help with external advisors or bank staff. All involved see the same data and apply the same rules, resulting in optimal loan processing in shorter time with less staff and full compliance.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms


Bus. Dev.: Jamie Burink, Head of Business Lending, & Dimitry Oosthoek, Head of Internationalization & Innovation,
Press: Elise Oude Scholten,, +31 618 60 0072

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