Over the years I’ve rarely been impressed with the confirmation pages displayed after a user takes an action, especially completing an online loan or product application. Today, I came across a good example of a post-sale confirmation screen from RedBubble (see screenshot below), an online purveyor of smartphone cases, laptop skins, and so on (see inset).
Tuesday Tactics: Creating a Winning Confirmation Page
Notice the things they do right:
1. Thanks for the order!
2. Mockup of the receipt with a big “PAID” stamp across it
3. Specific details on what happens next
4. Social sharing tool (may not be applicable to financial institutions, use at your own risk)
5. Links to key help areas (changing the order, determining shipping date)
6. Email address for Help (with order number clearly visible)
Other items a bank should consider:
1. Toll-free contact number
2. More personalization; for example, “Thanks Pat”
3. Detailed information on expected turnaround time for the application to be processed
4. Have a real person say the “thanks”
5. Navigation option back to an appropriate area on your website
6. Upsell messages
7. Security assurances
8. Privacy policies