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The Many Faces of E-Service – More than Just Email




Preemptive Bank solves or identifies potential
problems BEFORE user raises the issue or is even aware of the
Alerts, instant messages, text
messaging, voice messaging, pushed account information, satisfaction
Self-service Users solve their own problems online FAQs, tutorials, calculators,
troubleshooting modules, imbedded help, search, image & statement
Responsive Bank responds to questions online Email, Web inquiry, chat, instant
messaging, call back, co-browsing

Source: Online Banking Report 4/04; partially adapted from a Mar. 31,
2004 presentation by Forrester’s, Catherine Graeber


Most people think of email when discussing electronic service. But email
is just one part, albeit an important one, when designing a comprehensive
e-service program. Electronic service consists of three distinct classes of

  •   Preemptive or proactive support: Services that provide
    warnings before problems arise. In the branch environment, it used to be the
    courtesy call when an overdraft situation was first detected. Online it’s
    the triggered account alert telling users their balance has fallen below a
    preset limit or an email confirmation when a deposit is made. These services
    are fantastic for customer satisfaction, although they could have a
    short-term negative impact on fee income.
  •   Self-service or self-guided support: Self-service options are
    growing in acceptance as users begin to understand that high-quality
    Web-based support can deliver accurate answers in a fraction of the time it
    takes to walk through the problem on the telephone with one or more customer
    service reps. While financial institutions can deploy self-service options
    relatively inexpensively, resist the temptation to cut development costs to
    the bone. Bad self-service support can do more harm than good; driving users
    to the phone already in an agitated state after wasting time trying to find
    the answer online.
  •   Responsive or reactive support: This category is most like
    traditional phone support. In theory, questions received electronically
    (email, Web form, or text-based chat) can be handled more economically with
    tools that provide preformatted answer templates for common queries. In
    practice, there is a substantial learning curve before cost savings
    materialize. However, many banks are beginning to see measurable call
    deflection among their online user base. A major credit card issuer told us
    that their online cardholders were making 30% fewer telephone calls, a
    dramatic cost savings. However, users may not be satisfied with e-service
    efforts which will slow adoption. For example, only 25% of users are
    satisfied using email for problem resolution compared to 69% satisfaction
    for the phone and 76% for face-to-face branch interactions