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Simple Verity Launches Automated Small Business Credit Verification Process

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2013.


Then, Simple Verity launched its credit verification process for small businesses:
“Simple Verity is a fully automated small business credit verification process. The system can produce a reliable credit report on any small business in America – including the millions of businesses with little or no data on file at the major bureaus. 
Using a social approach and proprietary analytics, SimpleVerity elevates small business credit from uncertainty and risk into the light of consistent, data-driven analysis.”
Product Launch: September 2013
Metrics: 1000 business references in private beta, $250,000 raised, 3 employees
Product distribution strategy:  Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, & through other fintech companies and platforms
HQ: Seattle, WA
Founded: June 2012
Twitter: @simpleverity
Presenting Randall Lucas (CEO & Co-Founder) and Jeff Pecor (Marketing)
The full demo video will be available at in mid-September.