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Pixeliris’ Copsonic Enables P2P Transactions

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2014.


Then, Pixeliris took the stage to demo how its Copsonic can work with P2P Transactions:
“How they describe their product/innovation: CopSonic is the first universal contactless mobile payment system powered by our unique technology. It is based on sonic communication transiting through the devices’ speakers and microphones. Therefore, our technology is compatible with 100% of existing phones and smartphones, unlike NFC technologies. Several patents have been filed with regard to the security of the transaction.
Our technology allows peer-to-peer transactions between feature phones and smartphones but also enables online passwordless authentication turning the devices into security dongles.
We developed an SDK that allows third-party companies to integrate the modules and, therefore, create a business model based on transaction fees or licenses.”
Presenting Christian Ruiz (Sales Manager) and Emmanuel Ruiz (CEO & Head of Innovation)

Product Launch: September 2013
Metrics: €210,000 in capital, 11 employees in France, 120 engineers around the world
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, licensed
HQ: Montauban, France
Founded: April 1989