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iBillionaire Gives Users Access to Billionaire Investment Portfolios

iBillionaire Gives Users Access to Billionaire Investment Portfolios
This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

iBillionaire showed off its platform that democratizes Wall Street

“The iBillionaire app was born out of a mission to democratize Wall Street by providing users access to the investment strategies and financial data of those who have, historically, played the market best: billionaires. 
iBillionaire provides access to billionaire investment portfolios, strategies, and stock picks and is a source of unique and exclusive data on trading activity and investment trends. It sends real-time alerts of buys, sells, and prices and is a source of up-to-the-moment billionaire news. 
With iBillionaire, users can create their own portfolios and compare with billionaires. They can also access the iBillionaire Index, which tracks the 30 stocks in which billionaire investors have allocated the most funds.”
Presenting: Raul Moreno, CEO & Co-Founder and Emily Stewart, Head of Communications & Content Strategy
Product Launch: April 2013
Metrics: With a mobile community of over 150,000 investors, offices in Buenos Aires and New York, and covered by media outlets like Bloomberg, CNBC, and Fox Business, the iBillionaire Index has outperformed the S&P 500 since inception.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms
HQ: New York, NY 
Founded: April 2013
Product Demoed: iBillionaire
Twitter: @ibillionaire