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FinDEVr 2014: Financial Apps Shows How its Relevancy Engine Helps Developers Deploy Big Data

FinDEVr 2014: Financial Apps Shows How its Relevancy Engine Helps Developers Deploy Big Data

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

Financial Apps showed how its technology helps developers make the most out of financial data.

Driving the Data to Action
Detailed financial data is the “Big Data” we all want to work with. In this presentation, Financial Apps is showing how its Platform and Relevancy Engine enables developers to access, consume, and integrate consumer financial data within their solutions.
Presenters: Bob Sullivan (President) & Bill Kennedy (Chief Scientist)
Financial Apps provides a suite of development tools and API access for financial account and transactional data. Our solutions help to quickly build the next generation FinApp. The Financial Apps Relevancy Engine helps make data actionable, providing a comprehensive solution for Fintech development.
Twitter: @financial_apps