Bank Innovation 2013 Gives Insight into What’s on the Minds of Bankers


Last week, I attended the second annual Bank Innovation 2013 conference in San Francisco. Finovate alums PayPal, Fiserv, Backbase, Andera, MoneyDesktopHolvi, Strands Finance, Yodlee, and many others were represented on panel discussions and in the audience.


There was much conversation about obstacles that inhibit innovation in financial institutions. Two themes arose around this discussion:

1. Corporate bureaucracy
Most people agreed that in order to successfully implement a new type of innovation, you need to have the right players involved. Leaders within the organization must actively support and rally for the innovation.

2. Regulation
Working in an industry that’s strictly regulated isn’t easy. And the volume of new and changing rules is intimidating. But, it’s important for both startups and financial institutions to focus on how they can work in tandem within the regulations.

While these two inhibiting factors seem like good reasons to give up on implementing new innovations all together, they actually both serve as reasons for financial institutions to innovate. 

Among the many topics of innovations that were discussed, three in particular stood out:

1. Big Data
Big data is powerful. If properly harnessed, it can help financial institutions to:

    • Predict consumer behavior
    • Help marketers determine consumer trends and preferences
    • Provide insight into consumer habits to provide a better customer experience
At Bank Innovation, however, the vein in which Big Data was discussed centered more around using it for underwriting purposes. Companies like Bermuda-based Entrepreneurial Finance Lab (FinovateAsia 2012 demo) use psychoanalytic tactics to underwrite loans, but using such measures in the United States can be illegal. 

As Co-founder and Chief Risk Officer at ZestFinance, Shawn Budde, discussed, big data is a key piece to help lenders manage risk. By pulling “signals” from multiple sources, financial institutions are able to make more educated decisions about risk.

2. Personal touch
Most in attendance agreed that banks should give their customers some level of personal touch. After all, customers prefer to be treated like human beings, and not a number. For banks of all sizes, however, this raised a couple of questions:

  • How do we scale this?
    While Mechanics Bank wishes its members a happy birthday by mailing them a birthday card, Wells Fargo implemented a happy birthday note that appears when their customers use an ATM on their birthday month. Even though Mechanics Bank’s strategy is much more difficult to scale than Wells Fargo’s they both require additional time and money to implement.
  • What is the right level of personalization before the “creepy factor” sets in and the benefit deteriorates?
    Banks have visibility to many consumer habits (good and bad) through their debit and credit purchases. They can also use geolocation, when enabled, to find out where a consumer has checked in. The “creepy factor” can result when a bank attempts to personalize the banking experience by offering more relevant and timely rewards. Finding the balance between pleasing your customers and creeping them out is key.

3. PFM
The PFM discussion began with what PFM is, what it’s not, and what it could be. Though there were disagreements among the panel and throughout the audience, it was the general consensus that account aggregation is a must-have. However, even if consumers have a complete picture of all of their accounts, a budget is meaningless if you don’t have goals.

This is why PFM needs to be personalized for each user. Everyone has trouble with a different type of money issue whether it’s spending, loans, savings, or credit. These issues, combined what stage of life users are in, and their specific goals, will paint a different PFM picture for each individual. It’s up to their financial institutions to help them determine where they are, where they want to be, and what tools they need to accomplish their goals.


Pictured from left to right: Stephen Armstrong, Director of Emerging Channels, USAA; Jim Reynolds, Vice President, Regional Site Director, U.S. Bank; Geoff Knapp, VP, Digital Channels & Online Banking, Fiserv; Jelmer De Jong, Global Head of Marketing, Backbase; and JJ Hornblass, who moderated the panel.

Throughout the two-day event, it was great to see startups actively engaged in discussions on how to help their customers–banks. 

FinovateEurope 2013 Demo Videos Now Available

FEU2013Button.pngWe’re excited to announce the demo videos from FinovateEurope 2013 are now available for your viewing enjoyment. If you missed out on the largest European event we’ve ever held, this is your chance to see the newest European and global fintech innovations from the 64 cutting-edge companies that were on stage.

The videos are part of the Finovate Archives, where you can watch (for free) every demo of new technology since our first conference in the fall of 2007. It’s an inspiring place to hang out online for a couple of hours.

If these videos have made you hungry for more, tickets for FinovateSpring 2013 (May 14-15 in San Francisco) and FinovateFall 2013 (September 10-11 in New York City) are now on sale. Both events showcase the latest fintech innovations from around the globe to audiences of 1,000+ financial executives, venture capitalists, press, industry analysts, bloggers and entrepreneurs. All you have to do is choose between the financial capital of the world (New York) or the startup capital of the world (Silicon Valley). We’ll see you soon! 

FinovateEurope 2013 was sponsored by: Bluerock Consulting, Financial Technology Partners The Bancorp & Yodlee

FinovateEurope 2013 was partners with: BankersHub, Celent, Finance On Windows, Financial Services Innovation Centre, The Financial Services Club, and Hotwire PR 

FinovateEurope 2013 Demo Videos Now Available

FEU2013Button.pngWe’re excited to announce the demo videos from FinovateEurope 2013 are now available for your viewing enjoyment. If you missed out on the largest European event we’ve ever held, this is your chance to see the newest European and global fintech innovations from the 64 cutting-edge companies that were on stage.

The videos are part of the Finovate Archives, where you can watch (for free) every demo of new technology since our first conference in the fall of 2007. It’s an inspiring place to hang out online for a couple of hours.

If these videos have made you hungry for more, tickets for FinovateSpring 2013 (May 14-15 in San Francisco) and FinovateFall 2013 (September 10-11 in New York City) are now on sale. Both events showcase the latest fintech innovations from around the globe to audiences of 1,000+ financial executives, venture capitalists, press, industry analysts, bloggers and entrepreneurs. All you have to do is choose between the financial capital of the world (New York) or the startup capital of the world (Silicon Valley). We’ll see you soon! 

FinovateEurope 2013 was sponsored by: Bluerock Consulting, Financial Technology Partners The Bancorp & Yodlee

FinovateEurope 2013 was partners with: BankersHub, Celent, Finance On Windows, Financial Services Innovation Centre, The Financial Services Club, and Hotwire PR 

Announcing FinovateFall 2013 — Witness the Future of FinTech Innovation Debut in New York City!

btn3_ov.pngToday, we’re very excited to announce that FinovateFall will be returning to New York City on September 10 & 11, 2013, to showcase the best new innovations in financial technology in the heart of the financial capital of the world. 

Last year at the Javits Center, FinovateFall hosted 1,100 innovators eager to see the future of fintech debut live on stage via our fast-paced, demo-only format. This year, with the move to the more exclusive Manhattan Center, we expect to sell out significantly before the event so please get your ticket asap to lock in your seat (and the lowest price we’ll offer).

If you want to relive the demos from FinovateFall 2012 to whet your appetite, they’re all available free in the Finovate Demo Video Archives

If you’re curious about the type of people you’ll meet at the conference, please check out this small list of sample organizations that attended FinovateFall 2012.

If you’re a company innovating in financial technology, we’ll start accepting applications in early April so drop us an email at to get on the notification list.

We’ll see you in New York in September! (or San Francisco in May)

FinovateFall 2013 is sponsored by: The Bancorp, Financial Technology Partners, Hudson Cook LLP and Visa

FinovateFall 2013 is partners with: BankersHub, California Bankers Association, Celent, Filene Research Institute & Finance on Windows

Announcing FinovateFall 2013 — Witness the Future of FinTech Innovation Debut in New York City!

btn3_ov.pngToday, we’re very excited to announce that FinovateFall will be returning to New York City on September 10 & 11, 2013 to showcase the best new innovations in financial technology in the heart of the financial capital of the world. 

Last year at the Javits Center, FinovateFall hosted 1,100 innovators eager to see the future of fintech debut live on stage via our fast-paced, demo-only format. This year, with the move to the more exclusive Manhattan Center, we expect to sell out significantly before the event so please get your ticket asap to lock in your seat (and the lowest price we’ll offer).

If you want to relive the demos from FinovateFall 2012 to whet your appetite, they’re all available free in the Finovate Demo Video Archives

If you’re curious about the type of people you’ll meet at the conference, please check out this small list of sample organizations that attended FinovateFall 2012.

If you’re a company innovating in financial technology, we’ll start accepting applications in early April so drop us an email at to get on the notification list.

We’ll see you in New York in September (or San Francisco in May)!

FinovateFall 2013 is sponsored by: The Bancorp, Financial Technology Partners, Hudson Cook LLP and Visa

FinovateFall 2013 is partners with: BankersHub, California Bankers Association, Celent, Filene Research Institute & Finance on Windows

FinovateSpring 2013 Very-Early Bird Deadline is this Friday March 8th — Register Now to Save $200!


With a little over two months to go until FinovateSpring 2013, the event is shaping up to be our largest Finovate conference yet — topping last spring’s record crowd of 1,200 bankers, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists.

There is a tremendous amount of innovation going in the fintech space across the globe. We’re incredibly excited to once again be headed back to the innovation hotbed of Silicon Valley to showcase the best of it.

The pool of applicants for demo slots is the deepest we’ve ever seen in quality and number. While this makes our job of choosing the most interesting ones harder, it also means that the event is going to be our best showcase of fintech innovation to date.

If you want to attend and watch the future of fintech debut live via our unique demo-only format, tickets for the event are now on sale at our “very early-bird” price of $1,195 ($200 off list price) — but only through this Friday March 8th. Please lock in your seat now to guarantee your ability to attend (and these savings)!

We’ll see you in San Francisco in May!

FinovateSpring 2013 is sponsored by: Financial Technology Partners, Hudson Cook LLP, Intuit Partner Platform, Microsoft Advertising, The Bancorp, Think! Finance, Visa & Yodlee

FinovateSpring 2013 partners include: BankersHub, California Bankers Association, Celent, Filene Research Institute & Finance on Windows

Less than 75 Tickets Remain for FinovateEurope 2013 — Get Yours Now!


FinovateEurope 2013 is only 6 days away and we are thrilled to be so close to a capacity crowd at Old Billingsgate Market Hall. There are less than 75 70 tickets remaining and more are selling each hour.

The room is going to be packed with leading executives, entrepreneurs and investors to watch our awesome presenter lineup demo Europe’s latest fintech innovations (sneak peak #1, #2, #3).

Here is just a small sample of the high-quality organizations that will be watching the future of finance and banking unfold live on stage:

  • ABN Amro
  • Accel Partners
  • Allied Irish Bank
  • Balderton Capital
  • Barclays
  • BBVA
  • BNP Paribas
  • Capgemini Netherlands
  • Capital One
  • Celent
  • Datamonitor
  • e-la Caixa
  • EFMA
  • Ernst & Young
  • Fidelity
  • Fidelity Growth Partners
  • Financial Times
  • Financial World
  • Gartner
  • GSB Ventures
  • IBM
  • ICT Journal
  • IDC Financial Insights
  • ING
  • Jack Henry & Associates
  • KPMG
  • Liberty Bank
  • Lloyds Banking Group
  • MasterCard
  • Microsoft
  • Mobile Money Africa
  • Ovum
  • PayPal
  • PostFinance
  • Rabobank
  • Ribbit Capital
  • Royal Bank of Scotland
  • Scottish Life
  • Skandiabanken
  • Swedbank
  • Swiss Post
  • TeamBank AG
  • TechCrunch
  • The Banker
  • Toyota Financial Services
  • UBS AG
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Glasgow
  • Velocity Capital
  • Volksbank
  • Wonga

If you’d like to join this audience and find your next competitive innovation edge, limited tickets are still available but selling fast. We’ll see you in London next week!

FinovateEurope 2013 is sponsored by: Bluerock Consulting, Financial Technology Partners The Bancorp & Yodlee

FinovateEurope 2013 is partners with: BankersHub, Celent, Finance On Windows, Financial Services Innovation Centre, The Financial Services Club, and Hotwire PR 

Less than 75 Tickets Remain for FinovateEurope 2013 — Get Yours Now Before They Sell Out!


FinovateEurope 2013 is only 6 days away and we are thrilled to be so close to a capacity crowd at Old Billingsgate Market Hall. There are less than 75 70 tickets remaining and more are selling each hour.

The room is going to be packed with leading executives, entrepreneurs and investors to watch our awesome presenter lineup demo Europe’s latest fintech innovations (sneak peak #1, #2, #3).

Here is just a small sample of the high-quality organizations that will be watching the future of finance and banking unfold live on stage:

  • ABN Amro
  • Accel Partners
  • Allied Irish Bank
  • Balderton Capital
  • Barclays
  • BBVA
  • BNP Paribas
  • Capgemini Netherlands
  • Capital One
  • Celent
  • Datamonitor
  • e-la Caixa
  • EFMA
  • Ernst & Young
  • Fidelity
  • Fidelity Growth Partners
  • Financial Times
  • Financial World
  • Gartner
  • GSB Ventures
  • IBM
  • ICT Journal
  • IDC Financial Insights
  • ING
  • Jack Henry & Associates
  • KPMG
  • Liberty Bank
  • Lloyds Banking Group
  • MasterCard
  • Microsoft
  • Mobile Money Africa
  • Ovum
  • PayPal
  • PostFinance
  • Rabobank
  • Ribbit Capital
  • Royal Bank of Scotland
  • Scottish Life
  • Skandiabanken
  • Swedbank
  • Swiss Post
  • TeamBank AG
  • TechCrunch
  • The Banker
  • Toyota Financial Services
  • UBS AG
  • University of Exeter
  • University of Glasgow
  • Velocity Capital
  • Volksbank
  • Wonga

If you’d like to join this audience and find your next competitive innovation edge, limited tickets are still available but selling fast. We’ll see you in London next week!

FinovateEurope 2013 is sponsored by: Bluerock Consulting, Financial Technology Partners The Bancorp & Yodlee

FinovateEurope 2013 is partners with: BankersHub, Celent, Finance On Windows, Financial Services Innovation Centre, The Financial Services Club, and Hotwire PR 

FinovateEurope 2013 Sets New Attendance Record — Get Your Ticket Before They Sell Out!


With twelve days still to go before FinovateEurope 2013, we are very excited to announce that the event has already blown past last year’s attendance of 550 to set a new record.

Ticket sales have surged this week with the revealing of the full presenter lineup (see below) and we’re expecting a capacity crowd (get your ticket soon before they sell out) to gather on February 12-13 at London’s Old Billingsgate Market Hall to see Europe’s latest fintech innovations.

The event will showcase cutting-edge innovations (sneak peak #1, #2, #3) in everything from online banking to retirement investing to mobile payments to small business lending and much more. The following 64 companies will take the stage to demonstrate their latest innovations: 

  • Acuity Systems
  • additiv
  • Akamai
  • ayondo
  • Azimo
  • Backbase
  • BBVA
  • Biletu
  • Birdback
  • BörseGo
  • Cardlytics
  • Comarch
  • CR2
  • Crédit Agricole
  • CurrencyFair
  • Dashlane
  • Device Ident
  • Dynamics
  • ERN
  • eWise
  • eyeOpen
  • Financial Simplicity
  • Finantix
  • Fiserv
  • Five Degrees
  • FreeAgent
  • GMC Software Technology
  • Heckyl Technologies
  • Holvi
  • IND Group
  • ITSector
  • Kabbage
  • Kalixa
  • Kalypton
  • Kantox
  • LeanBanking
  • Liqpay
  • Luminous
  • mBank & Efigence
  • Meniga
  • Metaforic
  • Mistral Mobile
  • Movenbank
  • NICE Systems
  • PhotoPay
  • Pockets United
  • QuantConnect
  • rplan
  • SAGE
  • SumUp
  • Temenos
  • The Currency Cloud
  • TransferWise
  • True Office
  • Trustly
  • TSYS
  • Virtual Piggy
  • VoiceTrust
  • Xendpay
  • Yseop

If you’d like to join our audience of leading executives, entrepreneurs and investors to watch the cutting-edge of European fintech
debut, limited tickets are still available but are selling fast, so please lock in your seat today to guarantee your ability to attend. We’ll see you in London in a couple of weeks!

FinovateEurope 2013 is sponsored by: Bluerock Consulting, Financial Technology Partners The Bancorp & Yodlee

FinovateEurope 2013 is partners with: BankersHub, Celent, Finance On Windows, Financial Services Innovation Centre, The Financial Services Club, and Hotwire PR 

FinovateEurope 2013 Sets New Attendance Record — Get Your Ticket Before They Sell Out!


With twelve days still to go before FinovateEurope 2013, we are very excited to announce that the event has already blown past last year’s attendance of 550 to set a new record.

Ticket sales have surged this week with the revealing of the full presenter lineup (see below) and we’re expecting a capacity crowd (get your ticket soon before they sell out) to gather on February 12-13 at London’s Old Billingsgate Market Hall to see Europe’s latest fintech innovations.

The event will showcase cutting-edge innovations (sneak peak #1, #2, #3) in everything from online banking to retirement investing to mobile payments to small business lending and much more. The following 64 companies will take the stage to demonstrate their latest innovations: 

  • Acuity Systems
  • additiv
  • Akamai
  • ayondo
  • Azimo
  • Backbase
  • BBVA
  • Biletu
  • Birdback
  • BörseGo
  • Cardlytics
  • Comarch
  • CR2
  • Crédit Agricole
  • CurrencyFair
  • Dashlane
  • Device Ident
  • Dynamics
  • ERN
  • eWise
  • eyeOpen
  • Financial Simplicity
  • Finantix
  • Fiserv
  • Five Degrees
  • FreeAgent
  • GMC Software Technology
  • Heckyl Technologies
  • Holvi
  • IND Group
  • ITSector
  • Kabbage
  • Kalixa
  • Kalypton
  • Kantox
  • LeanBanking
  • Liqpay
  • Luminous
  • mBank & Efigence
  • Meniga
  • Metaforic
  • Mistral Mobile
  • Movenbank
  • NICE Systems
  • PhotoPay
  • Pockets United
  • QuantConnect
  • rplan
  • SAGE
  • SumUp
  • Temenos
  • The Currency Cloud
  • TransferWise
  • True Office
  • Trustly
  • TSYS
  • Virtual Piggy
  • VoiceTrust
  • Xendpay
  • Yseop

If you’d like to join our audience of leading executives, entrepreneurs and investors to watch the cutting-edge of European fintech
debut, limited tickets are still available but are selling fast, so please lock in your seat today to guarantee your ability to attend. We’ll see you in London in a couple of weeks!

FinovateEurope 2013 is sponsored by: Bluerock Consulting, Financial Technology Partners The Bancorp & Yodlee

FinovateEurope 2013 is partners with: BankersHub, Celent, Finance On Windows, Financial Services Innovation Centre, The Financial Services Club, and Hotwire PR 

Last Chance for FinovateEurope 2013 Early-Bird Tickets — Register Before Friday to Reserve Your Seat and Save!


FinovateEurope 2013 is only 4 weeks away and it is already clear that the conference is going to be our biggest and best European event yet.

With the expansion to two days this year, we’ve been able to select a ton of new fintech innovations (check out the presenter list) to debut live on stage. The latest ideas in security, marketing, mobile, online banking, PFM, payments, FX, investing, UX and much more will be showcased via our signature 7-minute demo format.

In addition to the great roster of presenters, the room is filling up fast with senior leaders from companies like:

  • ABN Amro
  • Accel Partners
  • AIB
  • Aktif Investment Bank
  • Alfa-Bank
  • Alior Bank
  • Balderton Capital
  • Bank Hapoalim
  • Barclays Bank
  • BNP Paribas
  • Capital One Europe
  • Celent
  • Cortal Consors
  • Datamonitor
  • Efma
  • Ernst & Young
  • Fidelity Investments
  • Gartner
  • IBM
  • IDC Financial Insights
  • ING
  • Jack Henry
  • KPMG
  • Liberty Bank
  • Lloyds Banking Group
  • MasterCard
  • Microsoft
  • Old Mutual
  • Ovum
  • PayPal
  • PostFinance
  • Rabobank
  • RBS
  • Skandiabanken
  • Standard Life
  • Toyota Financial Svcs
  • UBS
  • Unicredit
  • Volksbank Bühl

If you’d like to join this group of leading executives and watch the cutting-edge of European fintech
debut, early-bird tickets are still available at
the discounted price of £1,095.00 (£100 off) through this Friday, January 11.

Tickets are limited (and we’re projecting a sell out at this point) so please lock in your seat today to guarantee your ability to attend (and these savings). We’ll see you in London in February!

FinovateEurope 2013 is sponsored by: Bluerock Consulting, Financial Technology Partners The Bancorp & Yodlee

FinovateEurope 2013 is partners with: BankersHub, Celent, Finance On Windows, Financial Services Innovation Centre, The Financial Services Club, and Hotwire PR