Alumni News — Week of December 29, 2010

To see updates on Finovate alumni companies follow our live feed on Twitter now offers receivable tracking. — The new module, still in Beta, allows users to invoice, and track receivables and even receive payments electronically.
Check out the new branding at Bancvue’s Kasasa. — The company has implemented a new, edgier corporate identity, to better blend with the slam-poetry marketing campaign.
Expensify unveiled a new reporting system.
Kapitall launches new tools for 2011. —  New features include dynamic lists of what’s hot, the most popular trades, and watch lists in every sector. goes to school with a new, free financial curriculum for middle schools. — The program, a partnership with Scholastic, will be expanded to 30,000 schools in early 2011.
See Lending Club‘s list of top 100 financial micro-bloggers.
Congratulations Lending Club on reaching $200 million in funded loans.
TechCrunch explains why the SEC need not tighten regulation of SecondMarket and other secondary market trading sites