Like the rest of the industries, financial services industry will go through complete digital transformation, the task is daunting and bankers need to identify and accelerate which parts to transform first – payments by far is the highest frequency interaction consumers have with their banks and credit unions. Hence it is natural, that this is the area which must be a priority for all financial institutions and creates immense opportunities for those who take the lead. In this webinar we discuss why traditional payment methods must transform to digital form and how this is being done, creating Digital touchpoints on how consumers and merchants interact with payments which are crucial for issuers as they are now the preferred way to drive commerce. The speakers share how to digitally transform the entire card business and to compete, why payment business executives need to provide compelling digital experience(s) that are underpinned by fast, digitized, real-time and interactive processes.
Join Peter Wannemacher, Forrester; Gary Singh, Ondot Systems and Braden More, Wells Fargo & Company.