FinDEVr Preview: Expensify

FinDEVr Preview: Expensify

FinDEVrSV16-withdateFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016, October 18 & 19. Early-bird savings end Friday, so pick up your ticket today to save your spot.

CEO David Barrett will discuss how Bedrock became the infrastructure backbone of Expensify’s explosive growth, and how Bedrock can be used to scale your company.


Why it’s a must-see

Expensify will be introducing its open-source project built for developers to strengthen and enhance your developer’s toolbox for data storage, caching, and job management, and illustrate how it can be used to help scale your company.

Check out more of today’s FinDEVr previews:


FinDEVr Preview: Wootrader

FinDEVr Preview: Wootrader

FinDEVrSV16-withdateFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016, October 18 & 19. Early-bird savings end Friday, so pick up your ticket today to save your spot.

Wootrader will introduce its new configurable stock market dashboard platform, FinanceBoards, and explain how anyone, from first-time investors to financial institutions, can benefit from the ability to access—in one place, on their own configurable dashboards—a wealth of classic, as well as new, financial data.


Why it’s a must-see

The fintech industry is split between institutional systems with many decades of in-depth data and innovative, laser-focused startups with unique datasets. FinanceBoards builds a bridge to integrate any custom API from company financials, technical charts and indicators to website SEO metrics, Facebook “likes” and Appstore downloads and ratings.

Check out more of today’s FinDEVr previews:

FinDEVr Preview: Hyperwallet

FinDEVr Preview: Hyperwallet

FinDEVrSV16-withdateFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016, October 18 & 19. Early-bird savings end Friday, so pick up your ticket today and save your spot.

With Hyperwallet, see how some simple code can make it easier to pay your independent contractors, suppliers, and resellers almost anywhere in the world. Learn how RESTful payout APIs can ensure a frictionless end-user experience, secure connections to a scalable global financial network, and direct payouts through payee-directed optionality.


Why it’s a must-see

A must-attend for developers tasked with solving payment issues within their marketplace or on-demand economy platform, this presentation of Hyperwallet’s developer toolkit (global payout REST APIs, SDKs, JavaScript widgets and web hooks) will demonstrate how attendees can integrate worldwide payout functionality into their platform in 10 minutes or less.

Check out more of today’s FinDEVr Previews:

FinDEVr Preview: 1787fp

FinDEVr Preview: 1787fp

FinDEVrSV16-withdateFinDEVr Previews highlight companies presenting new developer tools, platforms, and integrations at FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016, October 18 & 19. Early-bird savings end Friday, so pick up your ticket today and save your spot.

1787fp will showcase how our mobile app can help millennials take control of finances.

1787fp will be introducing a cutting-edge mobile app that helps consumers track finances and manage investments.


Why it’s a must-see

Managing finances is time-consuming, but everyone has to do it. Today’s investors visit multiple websites to track their financial accounts.

By using 1787fp’s software, consumers can properly manage their finances and maximize their potential savings and future wealth accumulation.

Check out more of today’s FinDEVr previews:


Early-Bird Discount Extended for FinDEVr Silicon Valley

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Summer is winding down, but FinDEVr is still feeling the heat. New companies have joined the impressive presenter lineup for this third annual West Coast conference and it’s on track to be the biggest event yet. See firsthand what’s new and trending for the financial and banking developer community—all for early-bird rates.
On October 18 & 19, FinDEVr Silicon Valley will showcase the latest in fintech tools, tech, APIs, platforms, case studies, and tutorials. Using code, examples, and live demos, top software engineers and CTOs, technology architects and evangelists from dozens of firms will share their work and insights via 15-minute TED-style presentations. Speaking topics will span the fintech spectrum with payments, blockchain, investment, big data, finance and wealth management, security, and more.

While some will attend this developer conference to see what’s on stage, others will come to rub elbows and network with their tech-savvy colleagues. Of the more than 600 CTOs and tech execs, UX designers and software architects, engineers, evangelists, and more, an expert audience is coming together from:

  • ABN AMRO Bank
  • BBVA
  • BDO Uniban
  • Bloomberg
  • BTC Media
  • Business Alliance Financial Service
  • California Bankers Association
  • Capital One
  • Citi Ventures
  • Credit Simple
  • Credix
  • Crowdfund Insider
  • Digital Research
  • Enova
  • Ensenta
  • Ethoca
  • EVO Payments
  • Extractable
  • Fannie Mae
  • Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
  • Financial Samurai
  • Financial Technology Research Institute
  • First Tennessee Bank
  • Gigaom
  • Hitachi
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Kasasa
  • Kontomatik
  • Kyckr
  • Let’s Talk Payments
  • Looking Glass Investments
  • Microensure
  • Mogo Finance Tech.
  • Money Crashers
  • MyBucks
  • NEC Corp. of America
  • Nissho Electronics
  • Opes Advisors
  • Orion First Financial
  • PayPal
  • PNC Bank
  • Qumram
  • Scottish Development International
  • Severus Holdings
  • SIA 4finance IT
  • Silicon Valley Bank
  • Silvergate Bank
  • Simility
  • Singular Group
  • Softjourn
  • Solutions Exchange
  • Springleaf Financial
  • TD Ameritrade
  • The Bancorp
  • TMG
  • Trinity Ventures
  • TSYS
  • United Capital
  • Vanguard
  • Venture Capital Journal
  • Wealth Media
  • Wells Fargo
  • World First
  • Xignite
  • Yodlee
  • Zapp Systems
A huge number of people registered in advance of the Early-Bird Ticket Deadline last week. But, if you were out of office and missed the deadline, don’t sweat it—you have one more chance. Register by this Friday, September 23, and save $100 on list price. Hope to see you this fall!

First Wave of FinDEVr Silicon Valley Presenters Revealed

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Early this summer, we started reviewing applications from companies excited to present their latest fintech tools, technologies, APIs, platforms, case studies, and tutorials at FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016. Today, we’re excited to announce the first wave of presenters that will take the stage at the Santa Clara Convention Center this October.

To watch all 50+ companies present live, make sure to buy your ticket. Early-bird tickets expire soon, so these are your final days to save.

We’ll announce the remaining stealth companies over the next two months. In the meantime, get to know the innovative and established and startup organizations below:

1787fp’s mobile financial app helps millennials and young professionals track their finances and manage investments through one unified financial planning tool.

Aerospike uses a distributed, key-value database designed for Flash to help organizations make decisions in real-time.

Apex Clearing’s suite of APIs facilitates real-time onboarding, account management, and cash management for broker dealers and registered investment advisors.

AutoGravity helps digitally minded customers looking to finance a car embrace the full potential of the smartphone through its mobile-first digital marketplace for auto financing.

BankGuard’s SuperMatrix SDK and SuperMoney system offer a low-cost, biometric identification solution.

BBVA’s API Market helps developers access and build on core banking services for the digital ecosystem.

Blend’s digital mortgage-lending platform uses a human-centric design coupled with data science to make the mortgage application process less opaque and time-consuming for both homebuyers and lenders.

Castle uses behavioral analysis in its security API to help online businesses avoid account takeover.

Cognitect’s Datomic distributed database unlocks disparate data for financial services organizations, top 10 banks, and startups using a built-in audit trail and real-time analytics.

DefenseStorm seeks to alert companies storing data in the cloud of potential cyber threats through its lighting fast, easy-to-set-up, unified security platform.

Devexperts helps brokerages, traders, banks, and market makers analyze and play back historical market data using domain-specific compression for high performance.

Digital Business Art’s Digital Banking Platform leverages its own research and cutting-edge Oracle technologies to help retail banks make a permanent service more available.

Entrust Datacard’s IdentityGuard Mobile Soft Token saves users from having to manually enter a one-time password for online banking and ecommerce transactions.

Envestnet Yodlee offers a new, quick-start registration and API solution to make the registration and development process easy for engineers, developers and business entrepreneurs.

Exeria’s Algorithmic Robot Platform uses drag-and-drop bot building and automatic visualization to simplify investing for both B2C and B2B applications.

Expensify’s distributed database technology solves WAN-based geo-redundancy problems for secure, cloud-services businesses using a novel, high-performance replication protocol.

Finaeos helps enterprises and emerging single solution companies find better solutions for legacy providers using its Programmable.Cloud deep rapid application development that leverages CORE.Cloud Connection R.A.D. Gadget and process stack.

Financial Apps uses an API-led development platform that helps fintech companies achieve rapid scale.

Hyperwallet offers a toolkit of REST APIs, SDKs, JavaScript Widgets, and Webhooks to serve payout needs for high-growth, two-sided marketplace companies by using a global financial network and integrated payments platform.

IdentityMind Global solves fraud and regulator compliance issues for fintech companies, traditional banks, and online merchants by leveraging eDNA – Trusted Digital Identities within its on-demand identity-management platform.

Kyckr’s suite of API’s uses automated, real-time, primary source data to manage onboarding and resolve KYC bad data problems for banks and corporate customers globally. acts as a trusted third party by generating evidence for companies that need to proof the acceptance.

Marqeta’s open API issuer processor platform creates payment infrastructure for commerce innovators.

ModoPayments’ Digital Payments Hub uses its COIN technology to connect sources of value to diverse destinations for financial companies.

MX’s easy-to-use, fast-to-implement financial data API provides fintech developers with clean and usable transaction data.

NuData Security uses passive biometrics and analytics as a multi-layered solution to identify good users for top 100 e-commerce and financial institutions.

OCR Labs combats risk and fraud for banking, financial, insurance, telco and government through its OCR, FR and verification technology.

Personal Capital uses customers’ financial data to overcome the cumbersome process of opening investment accounts.

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) seeks to resolve inefficiencies for trade finance (Standby Letters of Credit) using “blockchain-as-a-service.”

Smartwave’s platform-as-a-service helps financial, telco, transportation, consulting, and retail businesses digitally transform their businesses.

SpeechPRO has developed a new customer onboarding solution to solve KYC identity and verification with multichannel access for CTO’s, developers and other technologists.

Tango Card’s simple technology and expert support in its RaaS API helps anyone looking to engage employees or consumers through a large-scale reward program.

Totum Wealth’s digital client engagement analytics tool helps financial advisers and individual investors improve risk assessment questionnaires by using interactive visualization of portfolio performance.

UCX’s centralized and transparent exchange allows CIOs, CFOs, and CTOs to compare cloud offerings using a single standardized unit of measure.

WiseBanyan uses Airflow (open source of AirBnB) to collect data to better serve its clients.

Wisdom Design Associates uses policy-based authorization technology to help compliance-reliant companies maintain fine-grained control of complex processes.

WooTrader helps everyone from first-time investors to financial institutions leverage predictive analytics models in stock research.

Respect the Tech: Save $200 When You Register for FinDEVr by Friday

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If you are planning to join hundreds of your fellow dev-friendly fintech colleagues this October 18 and 19 for our fall developer conference, then there is no time like the present to pick up your ticket, save your spot, and show your respect for the tech. Buy your ticket to FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 by Friday and save $200 off the list price.
Those of us who know and love fintech understand that behind the eye-popping data visualizations and always-on, real-time data aggregation are the rows of code and armies of coding wizards who make the magic happen. We cover their stories every day on the Finovate and FinDEVr blogs.  Check out our interview with CTO PJ Gupta from last week as he talked about the critical role of bank APIs and tokenization. Or maybe look at our recent reporting on cloud security innovator, Prevoty, that is leveraging Language Theoretic Security technology to help defend against an ever-growing array of cyberthreats. And, of course, videos of every presentation since FinDEVr’s 2014 launch are available in our Video Archives. See for yourself what the fuss over FinDEVr is about.
If these are the kind of stories, people, and projects that inspire you to tackle the next technical challenge, then FinDEVr Silicon Valley is the place to be. Visit our registration page, pick up a ticket or two, and show your respect for the tech.

FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is sponsored by The Bancorp

FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is partnered with Acuity, Bank Innovators Council,BankersHubThe BayPay Forum,, Bitcoin MagazineBitcoinist.netBreaking BanksByte Academy, California Bankers Association,CelentCointelegraphColloquy, Emerging PaymentsEmpire Startups, FIDO AllianceGlobal Platform, Harrington StarrJuniper ResearchMercator Advisory GroupPayment WeekPayments & Cards Network, SecuritySolutionsWatch.comSIMalliance, Swiss Finance + Technology Associationand Women Who Code.

Final Deadline to Present at FinDEVr Silicon Valley


29302507 - dog reading newspaper and relaxing on grass in the parkIt may be the dog days of summer with long weekends and vacations still to come, but don’t neglect the tech. The biggest and best FinDEVr Silicon Valley is just three months away. And the final deadline to apply to speak at the event is this Friday, July 22. If you want to reach 600+ technical attendees in the fintech and financial services industry, submit an application this week (see below for more details).

FinDEVr is the only conference focused on the technology side of fintech. Its mission is to serve the financial services developer community. Showcasing the latest tools, technologies, APIs, platforms, case studies and tutorials, we help CTOs, developers, software architects, UX designers, engineers, product managers and other technologists create the next wave of fintech innovation.

For presenters, FinDEVr is a powerful platform to:

  • Drive product adoption of APIs/platforms/SDKs
  • Showcase new technology and the inspiration behind it
  • Establish technical leadership of the industry while educating the market
  • Garner press recognition and gather feedback on innovations

If this describes you and your technology, then FinDEVr Silicon Valley may be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for!

If you are interested in applying to speak at the event, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Review the informational PDF for prospective presenters here: It contains details on the event, application process and criteria, presenter package and pricing.
  • Step 2: Once you’ve reviewed the PDF and are ready to move forward, submit an application by Friday, July 22, at the following link:
  • Step 3: We’ll review your application and be in touch in the next couple weeks.

Hope to see you apply!

P.S. If this reminder is taking you by surprise, let us know at [email protected], and we will happily extend the deadline into next week.

FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is sponsored by The Bancorp

FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is partnered with Acuity, Bank Innovators Council,BankersHubThe BayPay Forum,, Bitcoin MagazineBitcoinist.netBreaking BanksByte Academy, California Bankers Association,CelentCointelegraphColloquy, Emerging PaymentsEmpire Startups, FIDO AllianceGlobal Platform, Juniper ResearchMercator Advisory GroupPayment WeekPayments & Cards Network, SecuritySolutionsWatch.comSIMalliance, Swiss Finance + Technology Associationand Women Who Code.

Apply Now to Present at FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016!


Summer is here, and FinDEVr is heating up! The second deadline for presenter applications for FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is today — Friday, June 24. If this reminder is taking you by surprise, let us know at [email protected] and we will happily extend the deadline into next week.

FinDEVr is the only conference focused on the technology side of fintech. Its mission is to serve the financial services developer community. Showcasing the latest tools, technologies, APIs, platforms, case studies and tutorials, we help CTOs, developers, software architects, UX designers, engineers, product managers and other technologists create the next wave of fintech innovation. Last year the event attracted nearly 600, and we’re expecting many more this year.


As a first step, please email [email protected] and we’ll send you a presenter packet with content criteria, the presenter package, costs, deadlines, and a link to online application. Once you’re ready to move forward, submit the online application. We’ll review them later this summer and be in touch in July. Hope to see you apply!


FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is sponsored by The Bancorp

FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is partnered with Acuity, Bank Innovators Council,BankersHubThe BayPay Forum,, Bitcoin MagazineBitcoinist.netBreaking BanksByte Academy, California Bankers Association,CelentCointelegraphColloquy, Emerging PaymentsEmpire Startups, FIDO AllianceGlobal Platform, Juniper ResearchMercator Advisory GroupPayment WeekPayments & Cards Network, SecuritySolutionsWatch.comSIMalliance, Swiss Finance + Technology Associationand Women Who Code.

Presenter Application Deadline for FinDEVr Silicon Valley — Apply Now!


Summer is on the way, but FinDEVr is already feeling the heat. With the first deadline two days away, we’re receiving presenter applications from dozens of awesome organizations, confirming this will be our most competitive selection process yet. Interested in joining the fray? Read on.

FinDEVr is the only conference focused on the technology side of fintech. Its mission is to serve the financial services developer community. Showcasing the latest tools, technologies, APIs, platforms, case studies and tutorials, we help CTOs, developers, software architects, UX designers, engineers, product managers and other technologists create the next wave of fintech innovation.

For presenters, FinDEVr is a powerful platform to:

  • Drive product adoption of APIs/platforms/SDKs
  • Showcase new technology and the inspiration behind it
  • Establish technical leadership of the industry while educating the market
  • Garner press recognition and gather feedback on innovations

We’re now accepting applications for our third annual West Coast event: FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016. Last year the event attracted nearly 600, and we’re expecting many more this year. The early application deadline is Friday, May 27.

As a first step, please email [email protected] and we’ll send you a presenter packet with content criteria, the presenter package, costs, deadlines, and a link to online application. Once you’re ready to move forward, submit the online application. We’ll review applications later this summer and hope to see yours! We’ll be in touch in July.


FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is sponsored by The Bancorp

FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is partnered with Acuity, Bank Innovators Council,BankersHubThe BayPay Forum,, Bitcoin MagazineBitcoinist.netBreaking BanksByte Academy, California Bankers Association,CelentCointelegraphColloquy, Emerging PaymentsEmpire Startups, FIDO AllianceGlobal Platform, Juniper ResearchMercator Advisory GroupPayment WeekPayments & Cards Network, SecuritySolutionsWatch.comSIMalliance, Swiss Finance + Technology Associationand Women Who Code.

Fintech Developers, Lock in Presale Savings for FinDEVr Silicon Valley

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This is the perfect time to lock in your spot for our developer event before prices go up on Saturday. Not only do you save $400, there’s little risk since tickets are fully refundable through late August.

On October 18 & 19, our third annual West Coast event will showcase the latest in fintech tools, technologies, APIs, platforms, case studies, and tutorials. FinDEVr features some of the industry’s top software engineers and CTOs, technology architects and evangelists sharing their work and insights in 15-minute TED-style presentations with code, slides, and live demos. If you love the “tech” in fintech, FinDEVr is the place to be.

Screen Shot 2016-05-23 at 10.36.33 AMBut we know that’s not the only reason to attend an event—you also want to meet and learn from other interesting attendees and FinDEVr has it. We’re expecting 600+ attendees in Silicon Valley this year. Along with FI execs, VCs, and analysts, over 60% of the audience will be technical: CTOs, developers, software architects, UX designers, VPs of engineering, and product managers. This mix ensures you’re having good conversations with the right people about the fintech (r)evolution.

Get your ticket now before you’re swept away by summer. Presale tickets expire this Friday, May 27, so save $400 by registering soon.

And if you’d like to apply to present your technology at the event, please email us at [email protected] for more information.

FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is sponsored by The Bancorp

FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is partnered with Acuity, Bank Innovators Council, BankersHubThe BayPay Forum,, Bitcoin MagazineBitcoinist.netBreaking BanksByte Academy, California Bankers Association, CelentCointelegraphColloquy, Emerging PaymentsEmpire Startups, FIDO AllianceGlobal Platform, Juniper ResearchMercator Advisory GroupPayment WeekPayments & Cards Network, SecuritySolutionsWatch.comSIMalliance, Swiss Finance + Technology Associationand Women Who Code.

On your mark, get set, apply! FinDEVr Silicon Valley now accepting applications


Spring may have sprung, but for the FinDEVr team, fall is already on our minds.

Why? Because we’re now accepting applications to present at our third annual West Coast event — FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016! And that’s a big deal for developers seeking to reach a technical audience in the fintech and financial services industry. FinDEVr is a powerful platform to:

  • Drive product adoption of APIs/platforms/SDKs
  • Showcase new technology and the inspiration behind it
  • Establish technical leadership of the industry while educating the market
  • Garner press recognition and gather feedback on innovations

If this describes you and your technology, then FinDEVr Silicon Valley may be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for!

FinDEVr is the only conference focused on the technology side of fintech. Its mission is to serve the financial services developer community. By showcasing the latest tools, technologies, APIs, platforms, case studies and tutorials, we hope to help CTOs, developers, software architects, UX designers, VPs of engineering, product managers and other technologists create the next wave of fintech innovation.

We’d love to see you apply if it fits with your plans. For more information on applying to present at FinDEVr Silicon Valley or future events, please email [email protected].


FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is sponsored by The Bancorp

FinDEVr Silicon Valley 2016 is partnered with Acuity, Bank Innovators Council, BankersHubThe BayPay Forum,, Bitcoin Magazine, BitcoinistBreaking BanksByte Academy, California Bankers Association, CelentCointelegraphColloquy, Emerging PaymentsEmpire Startups, FIDO AllianceGlobal Platform, Juniper ResearchMercator Advisory GroupPayment WeekPayments & Cards Network, SIMalliance, Swiss Finance + Technology AssociationandWomen Who Code.