This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2014.
Next up, AdviceGames debuted a Virtual Guardian Angel for financial advisors:
“AdviceGames develops the World’s first Virtual Guardian (Advisors) Angel, namely – an intelligent Financial Experience Cloud Platform (FECP). This platform offers two high end services which gives Banks, Insurers and IFAs the tools they require to once again successfully serve these markets.Firstly it offers the World’s first academic and interactive omnichannel performance monitor – the NIFA (National Index for Financial Advice) Suite. Secondly the VGA offers an online loyalty store, which provides a cloud-based angel offering designed to improve consumer experience leading to breakthrough customer loyalty.”
Presenting Diederick Van Thiel (CEO) and Rosali Steenkamer (COO)
Product Launch: February 11, 2014
Metrics: In 2013 we sold eyeOpen to Aegon/Transamerica. The buyout fee is being invested into AdviceGames to develop the virtual guardian angel for the Dutch, UK and US markets. We run offices in Amsterdam, London and San Francisco
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed