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BioCatch’s Behavioral Biometrics Uses Its Invisible Challenges Mechanism to Determine User Behavior

BioCatch’s Behavioral Biometrics Uses Its Invisible Challenges Mechanism to Determine User Behavior

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

BioCatch showed off its behavioral biometrics technology:
“BioCatch is a cognitive behavioral biometrics technology that tracks how users interact with web and mobile applications. At the core of the technology lies a unique, patent-pending Invisible Challenges mechanism. This mechanism is responsible for the interaction of the user with the application. 
Whenever a user interacts with an application, a subtle dynamic cognitive challenge is injected, and the user responds without being aware to the fact it was there.”
Presenting: Uri Rivner, Co-Founder & VP, Business Development & Cyber Strategy
Product Launch: April 2013
Metrics: $10M raised, 25 employees
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through partners
HQ: Lod, Israel
Founded: April 2011
Twitter: @biocatch1