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TandemMoney Helps Consumers Save For A Rainy Day By Borrowing From Themselves


To begin the second morning session, TandemMoney demonstrated a product that helps users save money through an automatic withdraw process, then borrow it from themselves on a rainy day:

“It is both a consumer line of credit and a savings account that integrate to form a single, evolving source of “rainy day” liquidity. The product conditions borrowing upon the accumulation of savings as consumers must agree to have $20 automatically deposited into savings each month. Advances are made from accumulated savings, at no cost, with credit made available early on to cover any savings shortfalls. When advances are repaid, payments are made to the line of credit AND the savings account – as though the consumer was borrowing and repaying herself. As the savings balance grows with each $20 monthly deposit, the mix of funds available for financial emergencies steadily shifts more to savings until consumers ultimately reach the point of using (and replenishing) their own savings to meet their short-term cash needs.”

Product Launched: September 2011

HQ Location: Sioux Falls, SD
Company Founded: March 2010
Presenting Trent Sorbe (President) & Nicole Pullman (Director of Marketing)
