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Zenmonics Launches mobileBanker to Drive Sales and Service Inside and Outside the Branch

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This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2013.

Our next presenter is Zenmonics. The team is on their way to the stage right now.
“Our pioneering mobileBanker tablet gives universal associates access to sales and servicing features both inside and outside the branch or store.
Built upon our secure channel integration technology, mobileUNITED, banks can easily extend their current systems without costly core system upgrades or lift-and-replace projects. The system agnostic approach provides an accelerated path for financial institutions to have customer data, product information, sales tools, and account opening at their fingertips – whether they are meeting with customers inside or outside the branch.”
Product Launch: September 2013
Metrics: Private company, 100% owned by Founder, approx. 200 employees, & $12M-$15M annual revenues
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, & licensed.
HQ: Charlotte, North Carolina
Founded: May 2007
Presenting Chris Siemasko (SVP Product Solutions)
The full demo video will be available at in mid-September.