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Tranwall Presents Transaction Control for Business Technology

Tranwall Presents Transaction Control for Business Technology

TranwallThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

Next up is the team from Tranwall.

The patented Tranwall system offers card-holders and -issuers the ability to control the status of debit and credit cards in real time. Tranwall also offers second-factor authentication on internet banking services using any mobile phone. The Tranwall system offers fine-grained control, at transaction level, over the approval of card transactions. The Tranwall platform is customizable, allowing for a variety of permissions to be defined and implemented.

Presenters: Gerard van de Par, director, sales, and Diederik Bruggink, payment expert



Product launch: April 2015

Metrics: 5 employees; 3 paying customers (2 banks, 1 fuel card)
Product distribution strategy: Direct to business (B2B); through other fintech companies and platforms; licensed

HQ: Amsterdam, Netherlands; Johannesburg, South Africa
Founded: February 2015