This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2015.
Making its way to the stage is the team from Mistral Mobile launching their mobile, multifactor integrity solution, m-Aegis.
m-Aegis is the only multi-factor, telco-independent, integrity solution for mobile applications requiring high-confidence device and user binding. The mobile phone is increasingly used for handling critical information and transactions. With the explosion of such usage comes risk. Can financial service providers be confident that their communications channel or mobile application has not been tampered with? With m-Aegis, Mistral Mobile provides the tools to bind mobile users to respective financial services using multiple factors. The result is increased system integrity and ultimately the security of your customer’s information and transactions.
Presenters: CEO Ludwig Schulze, and CTO Timo Tervo
Product launch: February 2015 at FinovateEurope
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed.
HQ: Oulu, Finland and New York, New York, U.S.A.
Metrics: 15+ employees
Twitter: @MistralMobile