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The Currency Cloud Revamps International Payments Platform

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2014.


The Currency Cloud took the stage to finish off the first day of FinovateEurope 2014:
“This release will provide our clients access to an easy-to-use web console. Cross-border transactions tend to be expensive and inefficient (i.e., error prone) as the majority are executed through some type of manual process. While a variety of alternative international payment providers claim to offer relief, their services have limitations that often leave companies encountering the same issues of high costs, inadequate automation and deceptive pricing. We think global businesses deserve better, and have developed an entirely new model for international payments.”
Presenting Michael Laven (CEO) and Richard Bastin (CTO)

Product Launch: April 2014
• Current number of employees: 42
• Money raised: $8M as of December 2013 – next round imminent. 
• Financial Data: transaction run rate is approximately $4B per calendar month and is projected to double every five to six months. Revenue run rate is currently $4.4M.
• Customer Traction: we have on-boarded over 50 new direct clients with over 1,000 indirect customers since January 2013.
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)
HQ: London, England
Founded: January 2012
Twitter: @Currency_Cloud