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Speak to 400+ Fintech Developers this June — Apply for FinDEVr London


The second deadline to apply to speak at FinDEVr London is this Friday, February 24. If you’re interested, there are a few things to consider: Is FinDEVr the right fit for your company? What should you show on stage? Is the timing right?

FinDEVr events focus on the tech side of financial, banking and payments technology. Companies showcase the latest in enabling tools — APIs, SDKs, cloud services and platforms, explore use cases, and walk through tutorials of best practices, implementation, etc.

FinDEVr is a good fit if you’re developing enabling technology and want to reach a technical audience (CTOs, software architects and engineers, developers, etc.) to do the following:

  • Drive product adoption of APIs/platforms/SDKs (like Stratumn and
  • Showcase new and trending technology and the inspiration behind it (like DigiByte)
  • Establish technical leadership of the industry while educating the market (like Braintree and Google)
  • Garner press recognition and gather feedback on innovations

With 15 minutes on stage, speakers balance live coding, slides, video and demos. Check out DriveWealth’s presentation from our most recent FinDEVr event to see what this looks like:

And then apply ASAP. The second deadline to apply to speak is this Friday, February 24. Submissions are reviewed and presenters selected on an ongoing basis. Even though the final application deadline is not until March, applying early is advantageous (early-bird discounts on the speaker fee are available).

For more information on speaking, please review the brochure for prospective presenting companies here: And then fill out the online application here:

If you have any questions, please email