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"Prosper Days" User Conference Videos Repurposed to Educate Customers

Prosper is one of the few (only???) national retail financial services companies that holds a users conference. The second annual Prosper Days is scheduled for Feb. 25/26 in San Francisco (more info here) and costs $55 in advance or $75 after Jan. 31. This year, they've added a famous keynoter, Freakonomics co-author Stephen Dubner. I will also be on stage later as part of a panel discussion of bloggers covering the space.

The conference is an excellent idea, creating a buzz around the company and providing a platform for its most loyal customers to share success stories and network. It's a model eBay has used successfully for years. The addition of Dubner should increase press coverage and attendance.  

I'm also impressed at how Prosper reuses the content created for the conference. The sessions are recorded and posted to its website to help educate borrowers and lenders. A total of ten videos are available here (see screenshot below).