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Plutus Software Launches Credit Scoring Site

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2014.


Plutus Software is up first, launching its credit scoring site,
“In addition to the comparison functionality for the various financial products, features predictive analytics to aid both borrowers and lenders.  For borrowers, this potentially enables creditworthy individuals to gain access to financing that they normally would not be able to obtain based on traditional credit scoring methods. At the same time, this analytics capability enables lenders on our platform to more accurately assess the risk of borrowers so as to better price the products that they are disbursing. Our proprietary credit scoring system aims to produce a more holistic assessment of a borrower’s creditworthiness via incorporating multiple data sources, including social media.”
Presenting Aidil Zulkifli (CEO) and Jagannathan Janagyraman (Group CTO)
Product Launch: February 2014
Metrics: S$700,000 raised in seed funding, 15 employees, approximately $5 million in approved loans
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), licensed
HQ: Singapore
Founded: February 2012