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Outski Debuts 401(play) Employee Incentive

Outski Debuts 401(play) Employee Incentive

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateSpring 2015.

FS2015_Outski_logoIn our final presentation of FinovateSpring 2015, Outski demonstrated how it helps employers incentivize their employees to use their vacation days:

Outski has developed a program called 401(play) that motivates participants to prioritize PLAY in their lives by lifting the barriers to taking great vacations. 401(play) is brought to users through their employer, allowing the allocation of direct deposit dollars to their personal Vacation Savings Account. The Outski platform promotes interactive planning with goal-based savings to help people live happier, healthier, and more enriched lives with a focus on financial responsibility. As a robust planning tool with rich data implications, 401(play) can market numerous financial products in practical and easy-to-understand ways that improve the financial wellness of customers.

Presenters: CEO Greg Nickolson and Ryan Nelson, EVP business development



Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), licensed

Metrics: With a staff of 8, Outski has more than 7,000 registered users, and has raised more than $500,000 in seed funding.

HQ: Tucson, Arizona
Founded: October 2013
Twitter: @OutskiTravel