This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2014.
Then, Nostrum took the stage to debut its Virtual Collector:
“Nostrum’s mission is to provide a fully automated lending platform, enabling lending to be performed cheaper, faster and safer.Whilst innovation in certain sectors of the lending industry have addressed the auto approval of applications and now provide loan funds rapidly, no business has adequately considered how delinquency management activity can be redesigned to ease the customer experience and reduce the risk of compliance failure. The functionality demonstrated will replace the traditional call centre operator who manages in and outbound calls to customers to discuss their delinquent payments and either takes a payment or puts an arrangement in place.”
Presenting Richard Carter (Chief Executive) and Tom Martin (Head of PMO)
Product Launch: February 2014
Metrics: Self funded, 65 employees, £7M+ revenues, 20+ customers
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)