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Hedgeable Presents NEXT: The First Private Banking Platform for Millennials

Hedgeable Presents NEXT: The First Private Banking Platform for Millennials

HedgeableThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

The final session of the day is about to begin. Starting us off is Hedgeable presenting NEXT:

Hedgeable NEXT is our intermediary platform for RIAs, CFPs, banks, broker/dealers, credit unions, foreign financial institutions and more to access the power of Hedgeable for their clients.

Hedgeable offers an ultra-high net worth wealth-management platform with zero minimum, making it accessible to 2.5 billion millennials worldwide. The platform can be integrated with intermediaries with the click of a button, free of charge. Clients get access to risk-managed portfolios for any account type, socially responsible investing, alternative asset classes, and a member-benefit rewards-program built into the platform.

Presenter: Michael Kane, co-founder and master sensei, and Matthew Kane, co-founder and chief ninja



Product launch: September 2015
Product distribution strategy: Through financial institutions

HQ: New York City, New York
Founded: April 2009
Twitter: @hedgeable