When it comes to leveraging technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence to enhance processes and improve business operations, many financial services firms know what they want but, to steal a line, “just don’t know how to go about getting it.”
One of the keynote presentations at the upcoming FinovateWest Digital conference in November is designed specifically to address this problem. Jeff Fried, Director of Product Management for InterSystems, will provide a address titled The 7 Steps to Using Machine Learning to Improve Your Business that will give stakeholders key insights into the steps they can take to get their machine learning- and AI-based projects underway.

“Continued advancements in ML and AI have huge potential in many domains,” he wrote in a blog post titled Maximize Today’s Downtime to Train ML Models for Tomorrow in August. “The key is to surface low-risk, high reward business solutions to ensure your organization continues to thrive, while also weathering the effects of an economic downturn.”
Specifically, Fried is cautioning companies against treating any COVID-induced slowdown in business activity as “downtime.” Encouraging companies to not let “the crisis go to waste,” Fried sees this year as a unique opportunity for companies to hone in and test out some of their ML-oriented projects. This is because while he considers machine learning and AI to be “high promise” technologies, the time and energy required to test and implement these initiatives is often hard to find when the usual, every day business concerns are often more “urgent and immediate.”
One factor in favor of companies looking to innovate using machine learning and artificial intelligence is that while there is a high demand for talent in these areas, the actual technologies themselves require relatively modest capital investment. This, at a time of heightened financial risk aversion by most businesses and combined with new tools that are making machine learning technologies more accessible to data scientists (and even those who aren’t data scientists), further argues for companies to make the most of the current moment when it comes to pursuing their more ambitious technology projects.
A self-described “long-standing data management nerd” and a former Chief Technology Officer for BA Insight, Empirix, and Teleoquent, Fried joined InterSystems in 2018 and is passionate about helping people build powerful data-driven applications. Learn more about Fried and his upcoming presentation at FinovateWest Digital in November.