Ten years after becoming the first bank in the world to post customer statement data on a website, Wells Fargo’s in-branch collateral shows just how far the online banking industry has matured.
Instead of putting a generic online banking brochure in the branch, which would hardly get a second look these days, at least in our Seattle neighborhood, the bank has created an entire take-one brochure showcasing its innovate new feature My Spending Report that we looked at Feb. 17.
The My Spending Report brochure is a statement-stuffer sized 4-panel, 4-color creation printed 2/05 and entitled:
Look at your finances in a new way.
Also on the cover:
Introducing My Spending Report, exclusively from Wells Fargo.
Inside, the left panel explains the spending report and cross sells credit and debit cards with an umbrella program called, The SmartSpender Plan, which includes:
My Spending Report
WellsProtect fraud protection
Wells Fargo Rewards on select card accounts
The right panel shows a screenshot of the report depicting checking, debit card, credit card, and bill payment activity.
Update on Website slacking
In February, we were critical of the bank for announcing a new feature that had no visibility on its website. That has been corrected. Now the first result for a a search for "My Spending Report" links users to this explanatory page.
— JB