After FinovateFall late last month, we’ve been monitoring the press and have seen some great coverage.
While the record-breaking crowd travelled back to their offices, the journalists and industry analysts were heads down at their computers, covering the recently unveiled product launches and new technology. Thanks to everyone who covered this event!
We’ll be updating this post as additional press coverage rolls in over the next few weeks.
Here is the press coverage:
FinovateFall’s “Best in Show” selectionsby John GinovskyFintech future featured at NY eventby John GinovskyInvesting, PFM innovations predominate FinovateFallby John GinovskyNew payment solutions debut at Finovateby John GinovskySecurity solutions locked in at FinovateFallby John Ginovsky
The Seven Strongest Tech Ideas from Finovate, Day Oneby Penny Crosman
12 High-Flying Demos from Day 2 of Finovate Fall 2014by Philip RyanRecap of FinTech Week in New Yorkby JP NicolsTen Winning Demos from Day 1 of Finovate Fall 2014by Philip Ryan
Behavior Biometrics a Popular Defense Against Cyberthreatsby Becca LipmanFinovate Presenters Deliver on Omnichannel Bankingby Jonathan CamhiHow Will Consumers Pay in the Future? Any Way They Wantby Jonathan CamhiMust. Kill. Jonathan Camhi
Financial services innovation: live from Finovate Fall 2014by Steven RamirezFinancial technology innovation – Finovate Fall 2014by Steven RamirezFinovate 2014 – the final chapterby Steven RamirezFinovate Day 2 continues from New Yorkby Steven RamirezFintech Innovation – Live Blog from Finovateby Steven Ramirez
Innovation in financial services – Finovate Day 2by Steven RamirezOur video blog with an overview of Finovate Fall 2014by Stev
en RamirezTechnology and innovation for banks – Finovate Day 1 continuesby Steven RamirezVideo interview with Finovate founder Jim Bruene on financial innovationby Steven RamirezVideo recap: financial services technology and innovation from Finovateby Steven Ramirez
Five ways to get help with your 401(k)
How to invest like a billionaireby Nikhil HutheesingNew free tool may help you deal with debt collectorsby Tobie StangerOne way to make money with a stash of cashby Nikhil Hutheesing
Credit Union Finovate NYC Favorites: Onsite Coverageby Robert McGarveyFinovate’s Day of More: Onsite Reportingby Robert McGarveyFinovate NYC Draws Record Crowd: Onsite Reportingby Robert McGarvey
Geezeo unveils white label biz financial management toolMalauzai bids to bring mobile app experiences to the desktopMatchi opens global fintech challengeTop Image Systems launches Google Glass appYodlee launches custom API for FIs
Too Nice To Fail: Can Moral Finance Save Your Bank?by Dan Simon6 New Apps And Sites To Manage Your Moneyby Richard Eisenberg
Canadian startup Financeit expands into U.S. market to help merchants give consumer loansby J Jennings MossIt’s high school all over again: Bitcoin punks won’t play with the cool kidsby Michael del CastilloStartup Blooom pitches green thumb for 401(k) management at Finovateby Bobby Burch
Behavior Biometrics a Popular Defense Against Cyberthreatsby Becca LipmanThe Emergence of Virtual Financial Plannersby Adam HonoréModernizing Voice Bond Tradingby Adam Honoré
Live Blog at FinovateFall 2014: Day 1by William Mills III and Steven RamirezLive Blog at FinovateFall 2014: Day 2by William Mills III and Steven RamirezFinovateFall Video Interview: Jim Bruene, Owner of The Finovate Groupby Steven RamirezFinovateFall Video Interview: Jonathan Rowe, CMO of nCinoby Steven RamirezVideo Recap: FinovateFall 2014 Day 1 Morningby William Mills III and Steven RamirezVideo Recap: FinovateFall 2014 Day 1 Afternoonby William Mills III and Steven RamirezVideo Recap: FinovateFall 2014 Day 2 Morningby William Mills III and Steven Ramirez
Did we miss anything? Please send a link to the FinovateFall coverage to [email protected] and we’ll incl
ude it.