L.A. Times features Tuition.io.
- Forbes looks at Open Bank Project’s open API, interviews TESOBE founder and CEO, Simon Redfern.
- ChicagoBusiness.com features Bolstr, calls it a new crowdfunding twist.
- Major Italian bank invests more than $300k to expand its use of Kofax software to branches in EU, the Middle East and North Africa. Come see Kofax demo its new technology at FinovateSpring next month.
- UK-based global application software and services company, Misys launches new suite of online, mobile banking products powered by IND Group.
- Mobile Payment Power features Flint mobile payment app.
- The Seattle Times takes a look at the launch of Realty Mogul. Join them in San Francisco for FinovateSpring.
- TSYS renews long-term payment processing agreement with Columbia State Bank.
- TradeKing analyst to speak at annual options industry conference.
- Pando Daily reports on Quantopian’s new feature, which allows traders to import external data. See them demo at FinovateSpring.
- Gold Bullion International teams with Envestnet to facilitate precious metals trading for independent advisors.
- BancVue acquires BancLeasing to allow Community FIs to strengthen commercial lending.
This post will be updated throughout the day as news and developments emerge. You can also follow all the alumni news headlines on the Finovate Twitter account.