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FinDEVr Live: Coinalytics Helps Businesses Leverage the Blockchain for Actionable Intelligence

FinDEVr Live: Coinalytics Helps Businesses Leverage the Blockchain for Actionable Intelligence


coinalytics | | @coinalytics

Coinalytics_FinDEVr2015_logoDriven by the vision of decoding the world’s most powerful dataset, Coinalytics has developed an end-to-end intelligence platform, combining a variety of datasets and analytics to provide actionable insights and operational intelligence to the bitcoin industry. The path-breaking platform brings real-time machine learning and graph analytics capabilities to the blockchain.

Decoding the blockchain
The blockchain is the underlying ledger of bitcoin, where every transaction is recorded. Due to its decentralized and pseudonymous nature, understanding the data and deriving actionable insights in real time is no small challenge. We will cover a high-level overview of the Coinalytics platform and its architecture, taking a deep dive into the API. We explore some use-cases and applications for real-time blockchain intelligence.

Key takeaways:

  • Leveraging the blockchain for compliance and operational intelligence
  • Understanding the challenges of real-time blockchain analytics
  • Interacting with the Coinalytics platform



Bill Gleim, Tech Lead
LinkedIn | @billgleim | [email protected]

James Edwards, Principal Infrastructure Engineer