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FinDEVr 2014: The TxPUSH Initiative Introduces the Evented Financial Web to Deliver Real-time Financial Transaction Data

FinDEVr 2014: The TxPUSH Initiative Introduces the Evented Financial Web to Deliver Real-time Financial Transaction Data

This post is part of our live coverage of FinDEVr San Francisco 2014.

The TxPUSH Initiative presented its technology for securing and improving the delivery of financial transaction data.

Aggregation 2.0 – TxPUSH and the Evented Financial Web
TxPUSH technology is focused on aligning app user experience and FinTech industry players around the Evented Financial Web. The TxPUSH technology will improve the security model of the existing account aggregation ecosystem and promote the delivery of real-time financial transaction data to account holders in the apps they choose.
Presenter: Nick Thomas, President & Co-Founder
TxPUSH is a global industry group tasked with overseeing the development of TxPUSH technology. The group is dedicated to making real-time financial account events available to any third party app while improving login credential security.