This post is a part of our live coverage of FinovateEurope 2013.

eyeOpen launched its
Digital Mortgage Advisor:
“eyeOpen launches world’s first digital mortgage advisor. In an age when banks and insurers strive for consumers’ trust, digital leadership and true customer centricity are the weapons of this service.
The personal advice algorithms are ‘the crème de la crème’ of personal mortgage advice. eyeOpen offers its service as a SaaS-solution to banks, insurers and advisor companies in Europe and the United States. The benefit: extreme cost reductions, smarter targeting and incredible NPS-improvements.”
Product Launch: February 11, 2013
HQ: Amsterdam, The Netherlands & San Francisco, CA, USA
Founded: December 24, 2009
Metrics: eyeOpen raised €10M funding to scale up its European activities. The company serves the European markets from its Amsterdam office with 35 employees. eyeOpen serves the U.S. market from its San Francisco office. The website is the Netherlands’ leading independent financial portal serving over 1M customers last year. On the B2B side the company licenses its technology platforms on digital advise, ratings, reviews and budgeting apps.
Presenting Diederick van Thiel (CEO) and Rosali Waleson (CCO)
Views: 435