Five years. Four banks. And one very big deal for EVRY.
In an agreement announced today, EVRY will provide payment and core banking services for four Norwegian banks: Sparebanken Sør, Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane, Helgeland Sparebank and Gjensidige Bank. The five-year partnership is valued at NOK 1.2 billion, or more than $160 million USD.
According to EVRY CEO Terje Mjøs, the deal is a culmination of the work his company has done with these banks for years. “This is an important milestone in our strategic investment in developing and delivering next generation core banking and payment solutions,” he said.
Added Geir Bergskaug, Sparebanken Sør CEO, “Investing in next generation core banking and payment services is an important strategic step. The contract will ensure that we have a flexible and cost-effective infrastructure, which will also mean we can take new services to the market more quickly.”
One of the largest IT companies in the Nordic region, EVRY provides IT services for more than 14,000 private and public customers, reaching more than 4 million in the Nordics. Earlier this year, the company signed payment deals with two other Norwegian banks – SpareBank 1 Alliance and Sparebanken Vest – part of an aggressive push to expand its presence in the region.
EVRY will make its Finovate debut in next February at FinovateEurope. For more information about the upcoming conference in London, check out our
FinovateEurope 2015 page.
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