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EverSafe Helps Protect Seniors Against Financial Abuse

EverSafe Helps Protect Seniors Against Financial Abuse

This post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2014.

Our next presenter is EverSafe, demoing the first technology-based solution to address the challenge of financial abuse of older Americans.

“EverSafe applies technology to combat elder financial exploitation. The service reviews the senior’s financial transactions and credit report activity daily and if suspicious activity is detected, an alert is sent immediately. EverSafe’s sophisticated software employs a set of rules developed specifically for seniors to comb every transaction looking for abnormalities, including unexpected patterns in spending, deposits, and withdrawals. If suspicious activity is confirmed, the resolution process begins. EverSafe tracks the remediation plan and sends follow ups to help curtail further financial exposure.”
Presenting: Howard Tischler (CEO & Founder) & Elizabeth Loewy (SVP Industry Relations & General Counsel)
Product Launch: Spring 2014 (soft launch)
Metrics: $1.5M raised, 7 employees
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), through financial institutions
HQ: Columbia, MD
Founded: January 2012
Twitter: @EverSafeSeniors