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Eco-Mail Transforms Physical Mail into a Secure Digital Exchange System

Eco-Mail Transforms Physical Mail into a Secure Digital Exchange System

Eco-MailThis post is part of our live coverage of FinovateFall 2015.

Making their way to the stage is the team from Eco-Mail.

Our exchange platform has two products: EMX Enterprise helps large businesses transform and distribute their physical mail in digital form. The Eco-Mail solution eliminates physical mail infrastructure, thereby driving tremendous savings and making your organization more digital, efficient, accountable, and customer-responsive.

EMX Consumer efficiently delivers compelling personalized content to destinations consumer already know, use, and trust. Eco-Mail’s revolutionary solution doesn’t disrupt existing consumer relationships: We enhance them for mailers, distributors, consumers, and payment processors.

Presenters: Jay Maller, CEO and founder; Chief Revenue Officer Roy Spinelli



Product launch: September 2015

Metrics: $1.6 million raised to date; 12 employees
Product distribution strategy: Direct to business (B2B); through financial institutions

HQ: Mt. Kisco, New York
Founded: 2012
Twitter: @eco-mail