First up after lunch, Dealstruck launched its online investor API that caters to institutional investors:
“Historically, Dealstruck has offered an online matching service for individual lenders and a pooled investment vehicle for institutional investors. This has limited institutional investors to only one aggregate investment option.At Finovate, Dealstruck is announcing an online investor API specifically catered to the institutional investor, allowing them to access all data for individual borrowers and to tailor investment decision-making criteria for whole loan and fractional loan investment flexibility.”
Presenting: Ethan Senturia (CEO & Co-Founder) and Russell McLoughlin (CTO & Co-Founder)
Product Launch: April 2014
Metrics: $1.2M raised to date, 13 employees
Product distribution strategy: Direct to Consumer (B2C), Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms
HQ: Carlsbad, CA
Founded: July 2012
Product Demoed: Investor API
Twitter: @dealstruck